
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Promise Me❗ 🤞🏾🤞🏼

Getting Started

Use this template to get started.

Learning Objectives

  • promises
  • fetch
  • .then, .catch, .finally
  • async/await, try/catch


As a software engineer, when you want to build something useful it will have to interact with an API. API's are how we interact with data from other sources. There are various libraries built that aid data fetching, but the built in javascript method is fetch. A fetch will return a promise.

promises give us two different types of syntax to interact with our data from our promise. Those two different types are:

These two syntaxes serve identical purposes and can be used interchangebly. Which syntax used is completely dealer's choice. The syntaxes will differ, but they are both handling the promise with our data.

We'll practice fetching data from api's using both of these types of syntaxes.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Attempt the promise exercises


Task Points
Show effort 10