
this project is for microprocessors enjoyers.

Primary LanguageJava

Tomasulo's Algorithm simulator

Tomasulo's algorithm is a computer architecture hardware algorithm developed by Robert Tomasulo at IBM in 1967. It is designed for the dynamic scheduling of instructions, allowing for out-of-order execution and facilitating more efficient utilization of multiple execution units within a processor. This groundbreaking algorithm was first implemented in the floating-point unit of the IBM System/360 Model 91.

Tomasulo's algorithm has played a pivotal role in the world of microprocessors. Its contribution to dynamic instruction scheduling has become a fundamental aspect of modern processor design. Many microprocessor architectures around the world incorporate variants or adaptations of Tomasulo's algorithm to enhance the execution efficiency of instructions, making it a widely influential and adopted technique in the field of computer architecture.

The idea

I wanted to make an easy way to track the algorithm on different programs without paper and pen, I guess this will be much more efficient.

How to run

fork the repo then add your instructions to the file called instructions open the Tomasulo.jar file and it will open a sequence of different input fields where you have to specify the Multiplication, addition, load, and store execution clock cycles count + the capacity of the reservation stations for each one of them then you will encounter a basic GUI where there's a Next button to proceed for the next clock cycle.

Supported Instructions

Arithmetic Instructions (Integer and Floating Point)

Integer Operations

  • ADDI R1, R2, imm
    Add immediate: Adds the value in R2 to the immediate imm and stores the result in R1.
  • SUBI R1, R2, imm
    Subtract immediate: Subtracts the immediate imm from the value in R2 and stores the result in R1.

Floating-Point Operations

  • ADD.D F1, F2, F3
    Floating-point addition: Adds the values in F2 and F3 and stores the result in F1.
  • SUB.D F1, F2, F3
    Floating-point subtraction: Subtracts the value in F3 from F2 and stores the result in F1.
  • MUL.D F1, F2, F3
    Floating-point multiplication: Multiplies the values in F2 and F3 and stores the result in F1.
  • DIV.D F1, F2, F3
    Floating-point division: Divides the value in F2 by F3 and stores the result in F1.

Load and Store Instructions

Load Operations

  • L.D F1, offset(R1)
    Load double: Loads a double-precision floating-point value from the memory address offset + R1 into the register F1.

Store Operations

  • S.D F1, offset(R1)
    Store double: Stores the double-precision floating-point value in F1 into the memory address offset + R1.

Branch Instructions

Branch Operations

  • BNEZ R1, label
    Branch if not equal to zero: If the value in R1 is not zero, branch to the instruction at the specified label.