
Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Gladiator (source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com.au/history/gladiator-school-discovery-reveals-hard-lives-of-ancient-warriors.aspx)

“Force has no place where there is need of skill.” – Herodotus

LudusMagnus is an automation project for creating CTF (Capture-The-Flag) and Defend training environments. The main purpose of this tool, is to allow InfoSec professionals (both offensive and defensive) the ability to train for free. This tool will deploy a closed network in Azure Cloud, that contains different Operating system, different roles, and awesome vulnerabilities (logic and technical alike). in that environment, we hid several flags (in a CTF-like way: flag:{}, where the content in the {} is the flag value), which should be discovered by the attacker and entered in the web application in this solution. Once the attacker submits the last flags (or gives-up and clicks the submit button) the web application will calculate a score based on the type of flags obtained, their relative score and the overall time elapsed. For defenders, when the system is deployed, an Infection monkey (Thank you gurdicore!) vm is deployed as well and will start attacking the environemnt. The defenders role is to identify the attacks and halt them. Currently, we don't have a scoring system for the defenders (but we plan on deploying one in the future)

There are many possible use-cases for this tool. Some that we thought of are (we're happy to get more ideas and feedback from you):

  • Training ground for Offensive professionals to test their skills against system in a (small) enterprise-like network
  • Training ground for Defensive professionals to test their skills against system in a (small) enterprise-like network
  • Provide the ability for hiring managers to assess candidates skills in hands-on exercises

BTW, The Ludus Magnus (also known as the Great Gladiatorial Training School) was the largest of the gladiatorial schools in Rome. (Wikipedia)

The training environment

LudusMagnus Sandbox

The basic LudusMagnus training environment consists of six servers and one web application:

  1. Jumbox: a Windows 2016 server, with a minimal set of tools installed.
  2. ADDS: a Windows 2012 R2 server, promoted as a Domain Controller, populated with 2500 users, groups and containers.
  3. FS: a Windows 2016 core server (no UI), that acts as the company's File Server
  4. SQL: a Windows 2016 server with SQL installed, that acts as the company's database server
  5. IIS: a Windows 2008 R2 server with IIS installed, that acts as the company's intranet server
  6. Linux: a Ubuntu 16.04 server

Deploy an environment

You need to have:

  1. An Azure Subscription (see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free)
  2. PowerShell installed (see https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/tag/v6.1.0)
  3. Azure PowerShell Module installed (see https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az)

Note: Please remember to tear-down the sandbox environment when done, since your Azure subscription is billed for the costs!

Then, open PowerShell (pwsh.exe), login to your Azure account and select your subscription:

Set-AzContext -Subscription '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

And simply run the Start-LudusMagnus.ps1 script (no need to clone\download the entire repo):


By default, the resource group will be named 'LudusMagnus-yyyyMMddHHmm' and the resources will be deployed in the West-Europe datacenters. You can choose to change the resource group name and the location, by providing the relevant parameters and values:

./Start-LudusMagnus.ps1 -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Location eastus

For the complete list of Azure datacenter locations, run the following command:

Get-AzLocation | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, Location

Tearing down the environment

# Get the resource group name:
Get-AzResourceGroup -Name LudusMagnus*
# Remove the whole resource group:
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name LudusMagnus-yyyyMMddHHmm -Force

Updating the Sandbox environment

If you'd like to contribute and/or improve the automation project and environment, you'll need to have a machine ready with several tools

Preparing the build machine

For updating the solution environment and automation, you'll need a build machine with the following tools installed:

.NET Core 2.1

Download and install the relevant .NET Core Installer runtime package from: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-core/2.1

PowerShell Core 6.1

Download and install the relevant package from: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/tag/v6.1.0

To install the needed Azure Modules, open PowerShell (pwsh.exe) and run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Scope AllUsers -Force -Verbose

Desired State Configuration (DSC) Modules

To install the needed DSC Modules, open PowerShell (pwsh.exe) and run the following command:

'ComputerManagementDsc', 'NetworkingDsc', 'SqlServerDsc', 'StorageDsc', 'xActiveDirectory', `
  'xPendingReboot', 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration', 'xSmbShare', 'xWebAdministration' |
    ForEach-Object { Install-Module -Name $_ -Scope AllUsers -Force -Verbose }

Attacker instructions

After installing all the prerequisites above, run pwsh.exe ./Start-LudusMagnus.ps1 in order to deploy the needed environment. Once the deployment is done, your favourite web browser will open up on the web application page that contains the following:

  1. The JumpBox IP address you should RDP into.
  2. The credentials to use on the JumpBox - the JumpBox is your starting point, and the credentials belongs to a user in the domain.
  3. A timer.
  4. 10 flag input field to paste in the flags you would obtain - You won't be able to know if the flags are valid until you finish the test and submit all of them.
  5. An "I'm done" submit button that can be used also if you didn't obtained all the flags.

Once you click the "I'm done" button, the flags you entered will be checked if they are correct, and a grade will be calculated based on:

  • How many flags are correct
  • The value of each flag (some of them worth more points than others)
  • Overall time elapsed from starting the test until clicking the "I'm done" button

Once again, make sure to tear-down the environment when you are done, or the costs will be billed to your Azure subscription!


This code is open-source, therefore free for private use. The Azure Cloud costs for hosting the environment is based on the Azure pricing (which are subject to change based on Microsoft decision). While considering that, every new account that signs up for Azure subscriptions receives 200$ for free (though limited to 4 cores) and currently (April 2019) the costs of running this environment for 24 hours is approximately 140$. If you set up a different environment (larger or more machines) you can calculate your estimated costs using the Azure Pricing calculator

Tips & Hints

We decided to not include any tips or hints. This environment is supposed to to give you the feeling of a real enterprise, and yes, we know it's very limited (no guard with tasers..) but we did what we could think of, and if you have more ideas, feel free to add them, or to let us know.


Created by Martin Schvartzman (@martin77s) and Roei Sherman (@x_Freed0m)