Effects bibliography
A collection of research papers and other resources related to the theory and practice of computational effects.
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See also the Effects and handlers Rosetta stone, a comparison of how computational effects and handlers are implemented in various programming languages.
Eff: programming language with algebraic effects and handlers
by Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar
(www) -
Eff in F#: A library for programming with algebraic effects in F#
by Nick Palladinos
(www) -
Extensible effects: a Haskell library for effects
by Oleg Kiselyov
(hackage) (www) -
Frank: programming language with first-class handlers, invisible effect variables, and multihandlers
by Sam Lindley, Conor McBride and Craig McLaughlin
(www) -
F*: an ML-like effectful dependently typed functional programming language aimed at program verification
(www) -
Koka: a function-oriented language with effect inference
by Daan Leijen
(www) -
Links effect handlers: an effect handlers extension for the Links web programming language
by Daniel Hillerström and Sam Lindley
(www) -
Multicore OCaml: a multicore + effect handlers extension for OCaml
by Stephen Dolan, Anil Madhavapeddy, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Leo White and Jeremy Yallop
(www) -
Scala Effekt: extensible algebraic effects with handlers in Scala
by Jonathan Brachthäuser
(www) -
shonky: a dynamically typed variant of Frank with C-like syntax
by Conor McBride
Explicit Effect Subtyping (ESOP 2018)
by Amr Hany Saleh, Georgios Karachalias, Matija Pretnar, and Tom Schrijvers
(pdf) (pdf with appendix) (technical report/extended version) -
Handle with Care: Relational Interpretation of Algebraic Effects and Handlers (POPL 2018)
by Dariusz Biernacki, Maciej Piróg, Piotr Polesiuk, and Filip Sieczkowski
(pdf) (Coq formalisation) -
Handling fibred algebraic effects (POPL 2018)
by Danel Ahman
Concurrent System Programming with Effect Handlers (TFP 2017)
by Stephen Dolan, Spiros Eliopolous, Daniel Hillerström, Anil Madhavapeddy, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Leo White
(pdf) -
Handlers for Non-Monadic Computations (IFL 2017)
by Ruben P. Pieters, Tom Schrijvers, and Exequiel Rivas
(pdf) (technical report/extended version) -
Effekt: Extensible Algebraic Effects in Scala (Scala 2017)
by Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser and Philipp Schuster
(pdf) -
Efficient Compilation of Algebraic Effects and Handlers
by Matija Pretnar, Amr Hany Saleh, Axel Faes, and Tom Schrijvers
(technical report) -
Structured asynchrony with algebraic effects (TyDe 2017)
by Daan Leijen
(OpenTOC) (technical report) -
Implementing Algebraic Effects in C (or "Monads for Free in C") (APLAS 2017)
by Daan Leijen
(technical report) (GitHub) -
Continuation Passing Style for Effect Handlers (FSCD 2017)
by Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, Robert Atkey, and KC Sivaramakrishnan
(pdf) -
On the expressive power of user-defined effects: Effect handlers, monadic reflection, delimited control (ICFP 2017)
by Yannick Forster, Ohad Kammar, Sam Lindley, and Matija Pretnar
(arxiv) -
Do be do be do (POPL 2017)
by Sam Lindley, Conor McBride, and Craig McLaughlin
(dblp) (arxiv) -
Type directed compilation of row-typed algebraic effects (POPL 2017)
by Daan Leijen
(dblp) -
No value restriction is needed for algebraic effects and handlers (J. Funct. Program. 2017)
by Ohad Kammar and Matija Pretnar
(dblp) (arxiv)
Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers for Prolog (TPLP/ICLP 2016)
by Amr Hany Saleh and Tom Schrijvers
(pdf) -
Eff Directly in OCaml (ML Workshop 2016)
by Oleg Kiselyov and KC Sivaramakrishnan
(pdf) (extended abstract) -
Compiling Links Effect Handlers to the OCaml Backend (ML Workshop 2016)
by Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, and KC Sivaramakrishnan
(pdf) -
Liberating effects with rows and handlers (TyDe 2016)
by Daniel Hillerström and Sam Lindley
(pdf) (dblp) -
Dependent Types and Fibred Computational Effects (FoSSaCS 2016)
by Danel Ahman, Neil Ghani, and Gordon Plotkin
(pdf) (dblp)
Effective Concurrency with Algebraic Effects (OCaml Workshop 2015)
by Stephen Dolan, Leo White, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Jeremy Yallop and Anil Madhavapeddy
(pdf) -
Fixing Non-determinism (IFL 2015)
by Alexander Vandenbroucke, Tom Schrijvers, and Frank Piessens
(pdf) -
Freer monads, more extensible effects (Haskell 2015)
by Oleg Kiselyov and Hiromi Ishii
(pdf) -
Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers (JLAMP 2015)
by Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar
(arxiv) (dblp) (doi) -
An Introduction to Algebraic Effects and Handlers (MFPS 2015)
by Matija Pretnar
(dblp) (doi) (pdf) -
Fusion for Free: Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers (MPC 2015)
by Nicolas Wu and Tom Schrijvers
(pdf) -
Interleaving data and effects (JFP 2015)
by Robert Atkey and Patricia Johann
(dblp) (doi) (pdf)
Algebraic Effects and Handlers in Natural Language Interpretation (NLCS 2014)
by Jiří Maršík and Maxime Amblard
(pdf) -
Algebraic effects and effect handlers for idioms and arrows (WGP 2014)
by Sam Lindley
(dblp) (doi) (pdf) -
Effect handlers in scope (Haskell 2014)
by Nicolas Wu, Tom Schrijvers and Ralf Hinze
(pdf) -
Embedding effect systems in Haskell (Haskell 2014)
by Dominic Orchard and Tomas Petricek
(pdf) -
The semantic marriage of monads and effects (extended abstract) (Unpublished, 2014)
by Dominic Orchard, Tomas Petricek and Alan Mycroft
(pdf) -
Inferring algebraic effects (LMCS 2014)
by Matija Pretnar
(arxiv) (dblp) (doi) -
An Effect System for Algebraic Effects and Handlers (LMCS 2014)
by Andrej Bauer and Matija Pretnar
(arxiv) (dblp) (doi)
Programming and reasoning with algebraic effects and dependent types (ICFP 2013)
by Edwin Brady
(pdf) -
The constrained-monad problem (ICFP 2013)
by Neil Sculthorpe, Jan Bracker, George Giorgidze and Andy Gill
(pdf) -
Handlers in action (ICFP 2013)
by Ohad Kammar, Sam Lindley and Nicolas Oury
(pdf) (GitHub) -
Extensible effects: an alternative to monad transformers (Haskell 2013)
by Oleg Kiselyov, Amr Sabry and Cameron Swords
(pdf) -
Handling algebraic effects (LMCS 2013)
by Gordon Plotkin and Matija Pretnar
(arxiv) (dblp) (doi)
The Frank Manual (2012)
by Conor McBride
(www) -
Control.Effects (2012)
by Sjoerd Visscher -
Koka: A Language with Row-Polymorphic Effect Inference (HOPE 2012)
by Daan Leijen
Idioms are Oblivious, Arrows are Meticulous, Monads are Promiscuous (ENTCS 2011)
by Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop -
Lightweight Monadic Programming in ML (ICFP 2011)
by Nikhil Swamy, Nataliya Guts, Daan Leijen and Michael Hicks
(pdf) -
Monads, zippers and views: virtualizing the monad stack (ICFP 2011)
by Tom Schrijvers and Bruno C.d.S. Oliveira -
Just Do It: Simple Monadic Equational Reasoning (ICFP 2011)
by Jeremy Gibbons and Ralf Hinze
Monad transformers as monoid transformers (Theor. Comp. Science 2010)
by Mauro Jaskelioff and Eugenio Moggi -
The Operational Monad Tutorial (The Monad Reader, 2010)
by Heinrich Apfelmus
Handlers of Algebraic Effects (ESOP 2009)
by Gordon Plotkin and Matija Pretnar
(pdf) -
Parameterised Notions of Computation (JFP 2009)
by Robert Atkey
(pdf) -
Algebras for Parameterised Monads (CALCO 2009)
by Robert Atkey
Lightweight Monadic Regions (Haskell 2008)
by Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan -
A Logic for Algebraic Effects (LICS 2008)
by Gordon Plotkin and Matija Pretnar
(pdf) -
What is a Categorical Model of Arrows? (MSFP 2008)
by Robert Atkey
(pdf) -
Data types a la carte (JFP 2008)
by Wouter Swierstra
- Combining algebraic effects with continuations (Theor. Comput. Sci. 2007)
by Martin Hyland, Paul Blain Levy, Gordon Plotkin and John Power
Programming Monads Operationally with Unimo (ICFP 2006)
by Chuan-kai Lin -
Monadic Regions (JFP 2006)
by Matthew Fluet and J. Gregory Morrisett
A Monadic Multi-stage Metalanguage (FOSSACS 2003)
by Eugenio Moggi and Sonia Fagorzi
(pdf) -
Algebraic Operations and Generic Effects (Applied categorical structures, 2003)
by Gordon D. Plotkin and John Power -
The Marriage of Effects and Monads (Trans. Comp. Logic, 2003)
by Philip Wadler and Peter Thiemann
Composing Monads Using Coproducts (ICFP 2002)
by Christoph Lüth and Neil Ghani -
Notions of computation determine monads (FoSSaCS 2002)
by Gordon D. Plotkin and John Power
Monadic Encapsulation of Effects: A Revised Approach (Extended Version) (JFP 2001)
by Eugenio Moggi and Amr Sabry -
Adequacy for algebraic effects (FoSSaCS 2001)
by Gordon D. Plotkin and John Power
Deriving Backtracking Monad Transformers (ICFP 2000)
by Ralf Hinze -
Monads and Effects (APPSEM 2000)
by Nick Benton, John Hughes and Eugenio Moggi
- Representing layered monads (POPL 1999)
by Andrzej Filinski
Monad Transformers and Modular Interpreters (POPL 1995)
by Sheng Liang, Paul Hudak and Mark Jones -
Semantic Lego (UMI Order No. GAX95-33546, 1995)
by David A. Espinosa -
Monads for functional programming (1995)
Philip Wadler
Extensible Denotational Language Specifications (TACS 1994)
by Robert Cartwright and Matthias Felleisen -
Building interpreters by transforming stratified monads (Unpublished, 1994)
by David Espinosa -
Representing monads (POPL 1994)
by Andrzej Filinski -
Building Interpreters by Composing Monads (POPL 1994)
by Guy L. Steele, Jr. -
Monads and composable continuations (J. Lisp & Symb. Comp. 1994)
by Philip Wadler
Imperative Functional Programming (POPL 1993)
by Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler -
Combining Monads (Functional Programming, 1993)
by David J. King and Philip Wadler -
How to Compose Monads (Thinking Machines Corporation tech. report, 1993)
Guy L. Steele, Jr. -
Modular denotational semantics (Unpublished, 1993)
by David Espinosa
- The essence of functional programming (POPL 1992)
by Philip Wadler
- Notions of computation and monads (Information and Computation, 93(1), 1991)
by Eugenio Moggi
Comprehending Monads (Lisp and Functional Programming, 1990)
Philip Wadler -
Abstracting Control (LFP 1990)
by Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski
Computational lambda-calculus and monads (LICS 1989)
by Eugenio Moggi
(pdf) -
An abstract view of programming languages (Ed. Uni. Tech Report, 1989)
by Eugenio Moggi
Polymorphic effect systems (POPL 1988)
by John M. Lucassen and David K. Gifford
(pdf) -
The FX-87 Interpreter (ICCL 1988)
by Pierre Jouvelot and David K. Gifford
Theses and Dissertations
- Enhancing a Modular Effectful Programming Language (MSc Dissertation, University of Edinburgh)
by Lukas Convent
Compilation of Effect Handlers and their Applications in Concurrency (MSc Dissertation, University of Edinburgh)
by Daniel Hillerström
(pdf) -
On the expressive power of effect handlers and monadic reflection (MSc Dissertation, University of Cambridge)
by Yannick Forster
- Handlers for Algebraic Effects in Links (MSc Dissertation, University of Edinburgh)
by Daniel Hillerström
- The Logic and Handling of Algebraic Effects (PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh)
by Matija Pretnar