Credits & Thanks to Kektram for help with OTR Code and code Advice
Thanks to haekkzer for his help and advice over time i was a tester for the menu
Big thanks goes Proddy for all his coding help advice and work to get shit done which without him alot of this script would not exist! **
Required Files & Folders:
These must be inside the Folder : scripts
- MoistScript.lua (Main Script)
Inside the Scripts Folder you need another Folder called : MoistsLUA_cfg
Extras :
- autoexec.lua
(Basic Autoload for my script)
For Better Compatibility with 2take1script:
1. Remove autoexec.lua & settings.lua
2. execute MoistScript.lua first then 2take1script
Seems to work so far without errors
The files and folders required are as they should be and should be extracted from the archive as above.
List Of Players by name in the session with the below functions inside
Player Names have tags:
-IN2Moist-[Y] = Y = You
-IN2Moist-[F] = F = Social Club Friend
-IN2Moist-[V] = V = Vehicle God Mode
-IN2Moist-[G] = G = Player God Mode
-IN2Moist-[.SPEC.] = .SPEC. Custom Tag by myself just indicating the Player Spectating outside or not in a dectected interior being in a vehicle inside say Arena Workshop triggers this if you spectate with mod
-IN2Moist-[M] = M = Player is Marked by 2Take1 as a Modder for some Reason Check online Player Info Window for more Details!
-IN2Moist-[O] = O = Player is Currently using OTR Could be either Lester OTR CEO Ghost Organisation or a menu modded OTR if this has been on for more than 5mins pretty sure this is Modded!
-IN2Moist-[H] = H = Player is Currently The Session Host
-IN2Moist-[S] = S = Script Host of the session (Player Currently Hosting the Freemode.c Script fior the session)
** Inside Moist Script Parent **
This Section is empty until you turn on the Show & Load SpawnOptions in the Main Options Section under Local Script Features!
- Ped List
- Weapon list / Vehicle list
- Send Attacker via Parachute
Spawns in the air above Player Parachutes down to kill the player with selected weapon
- Spawn Attacker & Task
Spawns nearby on foot with Weapon & Attacks Player
- Spawn Support Ped Can sometimes attack player, but should attack enemy players/peds
Spawn as Escort & Task
Spawns Ped in Selected Vehicle Behind Player & follows, will attack player sometimes if they fire weapons. Certain Vehicles have Multiple Peds
Spawn as Attacker & Task
Spawns Ped in Selected Vehicle Behind Player & Attacks, will follow player until they are dead. Ped's may attack each other if too many are spawned and they shoot in each others direction
Save Players Current POS to file (Output is compatible for copy & Paste to your Config for menu use) C:\Users\IN2Moist\AppData\Roaming\PopstarDevs\2Take1Menu\cfg\tele.cfg
Anonymous Bounty (Anonomous (ON) = NPC Bounty (OFF) Bounty = By You)
Custom Value Enter any Value Between 0 & 10,000
List Preset Values
- Force to Severe Weather
- Force to Half Track
- Force to Night Shark AAT
- Force to APC Mission
- Force to MOC Mission
- Force to Tampa Mission
- Force to Opressor Mission1
- Force to Opressor Mission2
SMS Spam Presets (Default Presets & Your Custom Presets)
Russian Spam Presets (Few Default Russian Translated Presets)
ToggleOFF Modder Mark
Attach Big Dildo on every bone
Attach dildo on every bone
Attach dildo in Skeleton root
** Outside of Moist Script Parent **
- Force Player to Island
- Copy IP to Clipboard
- Add to blacklist
- Remove from blacklist
- Script Host Crash Kick
- List of online players see Player Features below for info of functions inside each player
- List of Recently Encountered Players
- Copy SCID
- Add to Blacklist
- list of sounds
Troll Features
Heart Beat
Timed Explosion like a Beating Heart
Random Exp
(Explosion Type)
Exp delay
Delay Between Random Exp
set Bounty on Lobby
10 k Bounty for all including yourself!
Block all Players Passive
Prevent any player from being able to use passive mode
Play Game Sounds from all players ped + Coords
- all Horn
- all Air Drop
- all Explosion Countdown
- all Water Splashes
- allBomb Armed (Value Toggle the value is a delay between each loop) Offset Delays for these and play a kinda tune
- all Bomb Disarmed (Value Toggle the value is a delay between each loop) These combined Delay's offset from the other to Make Music
- Illuminate Everyone (Light Hat + Little Strobe Light Attaches on all)
- Everyone is a Dick Head! (Big Ass Black Dildo on everyones Forehead)
- Give all Dildo Dicks (Big Ass Black Dildo between everyones legs)
Online Session
- Give Everyone OTR
- Give Everyone Cop Bribe
- Give Everyone Enemy Blips
- Apply force to world entitys (First Applies Upward force then after delay Random Force on each direction)
- Freeze World Vehicles & Objects
- Any Friends Online (Friend online & in Muliplayer Check & Notify)
- Reload blacklist
- Enable blacklist
- Mark As Modder
- Kick
- Manually add scid
- Remove blacklist (list of players on the list)
- Teleport to block location?
(Teleport's you directly in front of the orbital entrance you need to be inside your facility otherwise game kicks you out of the interior)
- New Orbital Block Blast Door
(Puts a Blast Door in place of the orbital room door)
- Moving Wall Orbital Block
(Puts a New Moving Wall Across the Wall the Orbital Door is located in)
- Block Orbital Entrance with Wall
Puts a invisible wall inside the room blocking players ability to go past the doorway
- Orbital Inactive Screens over Block
'Places the TV Screens you see inside the orbital showing you the Orbital cannons state or activity these show by default Orbital Inactive RIP ORBITAL WARRIORS!!''
Various Glitch Spots like Casino God Mode Glitch are in here
Log Player Script Events (Value Toggle)
Select a value that matches the player id in the online info window for that player and toggle on this will log any script events from that selected player only
- UnMark all Players as Modder
Turns off all protections that are being blocked from all Players if they are marked as a Modder (includes any other detection not set by this script)
- Mark all Players as Modder (toggle)
Turns on Protections to block everything from all Players on a loop to ensure everyone gets marked on join
- NetBail ScriptHost Fuckarino
Network bail Kick, with a Script host targeted kick which will kick all in session and will force the script host to send kicks this has a really bad effect on yourself game ui goes flickery due to you being a script host and you getting spammed with those kicks although 2take1 protects you from being kicked it makes the game harder to play with the ui going crazy so last resort kick!
Session Kick Data2 Type2
Kicks session using all data2 kicks
Script Event Crash Session
Kick Host until Session host
Fast kick all hosts until you are host
- Network Bail Kick
Network kick using globals to force the player to bail from the session very effective against most Modder's but most good menus would be protected against this! if it is going to work and kick them it would instantly remove them with no delay
- Test Kick
Experimental Script Event Kick
- Host Kick All
Only works while you are the current session host, but will kick all players with a Players have voted you out of session message preventing them joining again. Does not effect you or friends just all others
- Fetch World Entities Move & Delete
- Fetch all Peds Move & Delete
- Fetch all objects Move & Delete
- Fetch all Vehicles Move & Delete
- Fetch all Pickups Move & Delete
Clean up entities we can get control of and removes them from the map and deletes this excludes any player owned vehicles
- Delete Spawned Cunts
- Delete Blips Added
- Delete Alkonost Lag Spawns
- Delete Ped Spawns
- Delete Ped Spawns + Vehicles
- Reset Overide weather
- Clear Cloud Hat
- list of weathers
- Get Current Wave Intensity
- Persistant Wave Intensity toggle Value Modifier
- Change Wave Intensity Value Modifier
- Reset Intensity
Preset Spam
list of preset spam
Your Custom Spam
list of your own saved presets
Russian Spam
list of preset russian spam
Spam Options
Add Presets and set delay options here
no text spam
very fast blank spam
Send Clipboard Contents
Sends text in clipboard
String Char Randomised spam
fast random ascii character spam
String Char Randomised Delayspam
Delayed random ascii character spam
- Small list of weapons
- Set Max Health 0 (UnDead OTR)
- Set Health to 500
- Set Health to 10000
- Set Health Free mode Beast 2500
- Set Health Ballistic Armour 2600
- Set Health to 10000
- Set Health to 90000
- Set Health to 328 (level 120)
- unfair aim damage (multiplier)
- unfair aim/ped headshot (value select weapon type)
- get last weapon impact pos (required for some functions and turns on when needed)
- Air Strike last weapon impact pos (value Selection for Weapon type that Strikes last impact coords)
- 2nd wep last weapon impact strike (value selection weapon type this shoots second Weaponfire from your hand as if its your gun shooting)
- Air Srike Aim Entity (aim @ any world entity and hit Dpad Right to send an airstrike down on it)
Ped Features
- Give Self Glowstick
- Put Handcuffs on Self
- Set Handcuffs Locked Position
- White Team parachute Pack
- Flare Countermeasures (Hotkey = "CTRL" Value = Speed of Flare Projectile)
- Voltic Boost Delayed Refill (Designed for MK1 Opressor Refills instantly after short delay no need to be on ground)
- Voltic Boost Instant Recharge (Designed for MK2 Opressor release the acceleration for a moment to instant refill boost)
- RapidFire RepairLoop Glitch (Forces Vehicle Fixed on a fast loop causing the weapons to become Rapidfiring weapons works on missiles & guns)
- Force White parachute On
- Force White BPH On
- RapidFire RepairLoop Hotkey
- Switch Thermal/NV Hoykey (Switch on or off Thermal or nightvision goggles on any helmet purcased or not)
- Show Weapon Recticle
- Rapid RPG Switch (switches RPG to remove reload while shooting)
Work in progress & experimental
- Get mental State
- Check Thermal/NV State
- Helmet Visor State
- Set Mental State (Updates the value with current mental state entering this section)
- Switch Helmet Visor State (Switches current state of Helmet Visor (Up or Down))
- Switch Thermal/NV State (Switch current state of Thermal or nightvision (ON or OFF))
- Setup Casino Heist Stealth Diamonds
Requires you to first goto the heist board and pay for setup then it is a 1 click setup masks are chosen at random, this will also make a stat recovery script which can be loaded to reset the changed stats should you need to
Various ways to try and force remove the player from your session
Spam Then All! (toggles on : **)
Kick Data 1 Type 1 **
Kick Data 1 Type 2 **
Kick Data 2 Type 1 **
Kick Data 2 Type 2 **
Kick Data 3 Type 1 **
Kick Data 3 Type 2 **
Kick Data 3 Type 3 (individual Kick event via selection not Batch like above)
Network Bail Kick
Network Bail Kick ScriptFuck (fucks ScriptHost)
SE Kick
Script Event Crash (Improved with version
- Player Vehicle God Mode ON
- Player Vehicle God Mode OFF
Turns on/off players vehicle God Mode if it is on. Requires you to be in range of their vehicle
- Vehicle Targetable
- Vehicle Not Targetable
Turns on / off other Players Ability to Missile Lock on to vehicle
- Set Boost & Forward Speed
For Voltic Boost Enabled Vehicles this will Trigger the Boost then Force the Vehicle Forward at high speed, Sets the forward speed to a stupid number! Requires you to be in range of their vehicle
- Vehicle Explode OnImpact
Sets the vehicle to explode on impact and will Trigger the Boost if it has one then Force the Vehicle Forward at high speed, Requires you to be in range of their vehicle vehicle should fly forward fast hit something and explode sending it flying! Range and Ability to gain control determines success or not
- Input Custom Max Speed
Set their Vehicle's Max Possible Speed to a Value you can input
- Set Max Speed 5
Sets their Vehicle to a slow speed looks weird on aircraft going that slow in the air XD
- Reset Max Speed
Sets Max Possible Speed over Normal values to ensure speed is not restricted any more does not mean they can go that fast!
- Add Explosive Device
Adds an Explosive Device to the players vehicle (this is like the LSC Remote Bomb added to their vehicle but its Registered with your name) So unless you want your name over their Death when you detonate it probably not an idea to add it XD
- Detonate Explosive Device
Explodes the Explosive Device you installed in the Previous Function (Named or Blamed Explosion)
Teleport Instructions
For all Teleport Functions to work Player must be in a vehicle! Requires you to be in range of their vehicle if the Online player info window shows them as in a vehicle then they are in range. When not in Range you can try to force it by turning on a Teleport toggle then go to Online player and Spectate them until you see them next to you then toggle off Spectate. T hey should then be next to you.
- Teleport Next2me (old Version)
Teleport's the player next to you.
- Teleport in front of Me
Teleport's them directly in front of you
- Teleport Beyond World Limits
Teleport's them outside the world boundary limits of the GTA Map
--TODO: update for new Highlight controls
Turn off all RGB Changers
White Marker Around Player POS
Red Marker Above Player POS
Highlight Player RGB Markers v1
Highlight Player RGB Markers v2
Red & White Above: Flash Ground: Fading
- Sound Functions
List of Various Sounds
- Update Lights POS(move with Player)
- Update Lights POS(move with Player)
- Set Lights around player
- Rotating Lights
- Rotating Lights
- Attach Broken ufo
Attaches Broken Smoking UFO on Target
- Room Attachment
Bullet Proof Glass Attaches around Player (V.1 Object)
- Room Attachment v2
Bullet Proof Glass Attaches around Player (V.2 Object)
Room Attachment v3
Dark Orb around Player (Cant See in or out)
scramjet Deer
Pet Deer Follow Target like a lost puppy (Deer has No Combat ability hates noone) the Deer is esentially Harmless
Run Delayed Cleanup?
Time Delayed Removal of Scramjets
Lester RamJet Attack Player
Value is Spawn Offset From Player: "-" (Negative Values = Behind Player) Spawns Lester in a Scramjet Tasks Him to Attack Player: Shoots Missiles @ Target as He Voltic Boosts into them
Lester RamJet Impact Player
Value is Spawn Offset From Player: "-" (Negative Values = Behind Player) Spawns Lester in a Scramjet Voltic Boosts into Target Scramjet will Explode on any Impact
Attach all RamJets offset
Value is attach Offset From Attached Bone of Target Toggle off Will Delete All
Get last Weapon impact POS
Give last Weapon Impact Strike
Dump World Pickups on this Cunt!
Dump World onto this Cunt! & Freeze it
Block Passive Mode
Unblock Passive Mode
** Griefing Options **
Own The Blame For this shit?
if the Player gets Killed from these Functions This will Give you the Kill add your name to their death
Dildo Illuminate Cunt
Dildo Bombs From Ass
Airstrike player
Snipe for all Directions
Send Lester Hunt them in savage
Spawns Lester in a Savage on the Mission Row Police Helipad & Hunts them down & Destroys their ass!
Note: ** Lester Fails to do anything if this is done while target player is in a submarine interior maybe other interiors so ensure player is outside ** ** Spawn one at a time ensure he has left the helipad before doing it again otherwise you will end up with a Heli Cluster Fuck in that area **
Experimental Note
Lester Might Fuck up and start Falling through the map
** Currently i am testing this out with no collision to prevent lights signs & poles being an issue when Lester is Flying @ Street Level **
retask Now a Task and Delete Function
Turns on When you Send Lester to hunt Target Player. Makes Lester Attack the Player again after Death until Lester is Deleted or Player is No Longer in Session. or should you toggle this off the Spawns should Delete assuming we can get control over them Time Delay set for longest Respawn
alkonost AIO Spot Lag
alkonost V1 POS Lag
alkonost V2 OFFSET Lag
Value for these are Amount **Be Sure to Keep an eye on your network Entity Pools** Exceeding the max value will Crash your Game
Attach all alkonost lag
All Spawned Alkonost's Will Be Attached To The Target Player Toggle off Will Delete All
kosatka AIO Spot Lag
kosatka V1 POS Lag
kosatka V2 OFFSET Lag
Value for these are Amount **Be Sure to Keep an eye on your network Entity Pools** Exceeding the max value will Crash your Game
kosatka Crash Test
Experimenting with this may not crash at all
Attach all kosatka lag
All Spawned kosatka's Will Be Attached To The Target Player Toggle off Will Delete All
Check Players HP Stats & Weapon
Notify of Players Health & Armour Values & Currently Held Weapon
Set WayPoint on Player
CEO 10 k money loop
Give Long Cop Bribe
Block Passive Mode
Unblock Passive Mode
Save Settings (Saves all Set options Currently Coded for Save including anything outside the options section)
Show & Load Spawn Options
MultiAim Tool (LShift or PS:X / XBC:A)
Lag Self out of session
Track all Players POS
OTR OSD ` Text down the left side of the screen Indicating Off the Radar Players ** "OTR : Players Name" **
High Player Speed OSD
Spectate OSD
Player Bar OSD
Black Bar across the top of the screen with all current session players displayed and Colour Coded to their Current State
Red Player is God Mode
Orange Vehicle is God Mode
Pink Player & Vehicle is God Mode
Date & Time OSD
Small Clock added to the Right hand side of the player bar
Marker Options
These toggle on depending on what you have selected or turned on to highlight a player in the local script Functions under any player
- fading red white Marker RGBA Changer
- flash red white Marker RGBA Changer
- multi fading colours Marker RGB Changer
- Above Marker RGBA Changer
- Marker RGB Changer
- Ground Marker RGBA Changer
Logging Shit
Log in Game Chat
Hook Script Events & Log to File (Output and Log Script Events to a log file)
Log event hash only (Hash logger)