
A Java-applet with mutiplayer synchronisation techniques

Primary LanguageJava


A Java-applet with mutiplayer synchronisation techniques

  • Second Player Addition

  • Artificial Network Delay

How to run


In order to run this you need to start up the RMIRegistry Console 1:

cd C:\Users\User\eclipse-workspace\HoangCw3
start rmiregistry

  1. Open up Eclipse:
  2. Open up this folder in eclipse
  3. Open up Asteroids.java
  4. Theres a green bug next to the Play button (don’t click on it)
  5. Click on the black arrow next to the green bug, then click on debug configurations
  6. You should have a new window open up. There are like horizontal tabs, one says main, then parameters
  7. Click on parameters, change the width and height to say 600 or 800.
  8. Click on apply but don’t click run, just click apply and exit out
  9. Now click on the green bug
  10. WAIT for the first instance to load up and the asteroids to move
  11. Now click it green bug again and wait for second instance. 12.Have them side by side and press s on both (one by one obviously)
  12. Now play!