
A toy Cairo VM implementation in Rust™

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A toy Cairo VM implementation in Rust

This is a toy implementation of the Cairo VM I'm building for learning purposes. There's no guarantee on when or if it will reach functional parity with the real thing. You should NOT use this in production.

CLI Tools

This project contains the following command line tools:

  • oriac-run: (very early WIP) a drop-in replacement for cairo-run


First of all, big thanks to everyone offering help on this project!

One of the reasons I'm building this project is to learn every single detail of how Cairo works under the hood, and accepting feature contributions means missing out learning opportunities (I can still learn by reading PRs, but that's not as good as writing it myself), so unfortunately contributions for new features are not accepted at the moment. Bug fixes, however, are more than welcomed :)

Once the project reaches reasonable maturity, as measured by the set of Cairo programs it's able to run, this restriction will be removed.


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