xJrJackBlack's Following
- zh1ren
- tableauSeattle, WA and around the world
- macosforge
- cr-0w
- OK-DMRPraha 4, Czech Republic
- guitmz@devsbb
- Crypto-Cat@intigriti
- tmpout
- saeloZürich, Switzerland
- Nero22kNSA
- archercreatMoscow
- Techlord-RCE
- lvtx
- eenblamESnet
- itsznSan Jose
- osmocomBerlin, Germany
- cropinghighIndirWorld
- yfw123
- TeamItalyItaly
- ic3qu33n
- ancat
- felix-pb
- hexploitable@Reconditorium
- peekair
- paktNarnia
- Himmele
- apple-oss-distributionsUnited States of America
- silverf0x
- 0vercl0kUS/FR
- hack-differentWorldwide
- checkra1nSecureROM
- H3xeptGlasgow
- argp
- jndokItaly
- NavillemiHoYo / HoYoverse / COGNOSPHERE