P5.js wrappers for React and Vue.js This Components lets you integrate p5 Sketches into your React & Vue App.
A bug with the bundling of the Vue js component make it unusable at the moment. It will be fixed soon. Sorry for the inconvenience
- 0.1.0 update : Now you can pass a data object to the wrappers to receive data from your components into your sketch scripts
npm install p5wrappers --save
// Both commands compile the code to the dist folder as well as in the examples projects. You can use them while developing
// building the library from what's inside the "src" folder to the "dist" folder
npm run build-bundle
// building the library and include all the dependencies into the library code, from what's inside the "src" folder to the "dist" folder
npm run build-bundle-modules
import React, {Component} from 'react'
// import as for fancy name
import {ReactP5Wrapper as P5} from 'p5wrappers'
import yourSketch from './yourDir/yourSketch'
// Yes I prefer class components rather than functionnal components
// But you can write yours the way you want
class YourComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
sketch: yourSketch,
backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4'
render() {
return (
<!-- Your stuff -->
You can inject some data object into the component
via the "data" props to get it in the sketch script
<P5 sketch={this.state.sketch} data={{backgroundColor}} />
export default YourComponent
<!-- Your stuff -->
You can pass some data object into the component
via the "data" props to receive it in the sketch script
<P5 :sketch="sketch" :data="{backgroundColor}" />
// import as for fancy name
import {VueP5Wrapper as P5} from 'p5wrappers'
import yourSketch from './yourDir/yourSketch'
export default {
name: 'YourComponent',
components: {
data() {
return {
sketch: yourSketch,
backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4'
A Sketch could look like this and should be passed as a prop into the component: it uses the instance mode of p5, see : https://github.com/processing/p5.js/wiki/Global-and-instance-mode
export default function sketch (p5) {
let canvas = null
p5.setup = function() {
canvas = p5.createCanvas(0,0)
p5.draw = function() {
// You can get the data into the data props
const color = p5.data.color