A list of best practices with explanation which I learned at work from my senior developers and by reading recources. The best practices are divided to general code writing best practices and API best practices. More will be added as we go.
Each endpoint should serve a single purpose. If a an endpoint serves multiple purposes it means you should divide it to multiple endpoints.
// Single endpoint for getting users or a user
GET /api/user
//Separated endpoints for getting multiple user and a single user
// Get multiple users
GET /api/user
// Get a single user by id
Get /api/user/:id
Use logical 'or' to handle undefined data specially when using the data to call other functions. You may handle the empty string in the recieving function
// Get user object
const user = getUser(userId);
// Store email in variable
const userEmail = user.email;
// Call a function using the stored variable
await storeEmail(userEmail);
// Causes Reference error
// Get user object
const user = getUser(userId);
// store email or set to empty string if undefined
const userEmail = user.email || '';
// Call a function using the stored variable
await storeEmail(userEmail);
Perform validation on the data sent on request instead of checking it inside a function later.
module.exports = async (req, res) => {
// Check if email is defined
if (req.param('email)) {
// Do stuff
// Check if email is sent in request
// Do Stuff
When performing an operation on data you should first check if the user trying to perform the action has permission to perform operations. Users who do not own a resource or have permission to a owned resource should not be able to access or perform operations through API unless it is part of the API functionality.
It is better to take care of data manipulation in the model file instead of creating a function inside the controller, particularly if the manipulation invloves data that will be saved in the database.
Choose soft deleting resources, specially resources that are useful for the system or user might want restore.
User.detroyOne({ id })
User.updateOne({ id }).set({isDeleted: true})
APIs should not rely on the front-end or other sources for valid data, even if you are sure the data is validated on the front-end side you should still validate the data which API recieves. This not only helps with scalability but improves security drastically.
// Store request parameter in constant
const newEmail = req.param('email')
// Update user data
User.updateOne({ id }).set ({ email: newEmail})
// Store request parameter in constant
const newEmail = req.param('email')
// Check if email is valid type
if (newEmail.isEmail() === false) return res.badrequest()
// Update user data
User.updateOne({ id }).set ({ email: newEmail})
If the exact same code is being repeated multiple places or is being slightly modified, then it should be made to its own module. Instead of copy pasting same functions or slightly modifying the functions create a general service (module) from it and call it when required. For instance for using custom format date format, custom created file management, etc.
If the same variable is used in or will be used in different endpoints then it should be stored in a custom config file where all endpoints call it. This will avoid reptition and confusion but most importantly makes the code scalable.
When creating APIs use proper REST methods for each enpoint. For Creating a user use POST, for deleting a resource DELETE, and etc.
// Delete a user using POST
POST /api/deleteuser/:id
// Delete a user using proper DELETE method
DELETE /api/user/:id
Write asynchronous functions when possible to improve performance.
Use return statements to avoid nesting if-else statements as much as possible.
User template literals instead of string concatination
const name = 'Jack'
const message = 'Welcome to app, ' + name
const name = 'Jack'
const message = `Welcome to app, ${name}`