Hello, this project write using React and Express.

If you want to run project on your local machine - first of all you need to write manually your test Gmail address in the public.env file(SMTP_EMAIL_ADDRESS env variable) in the ./backend directory. Also, you ought to create SMTP password in the Gmail account and copy this one to the SMTP_EMAIL_PASSWORD field in the same file.

So, now we need to create database using MySql script. Just execute script named online-store-db.sql and the database will be created.

And now we can start to use the application. In the command line write: npm run dev

Here it is!

Working routes(front end):

  1. http://localhost:5173/main
  2. http://localhost:5173/filtering
  3. http://localhost:5173/user/login
  4. http://localhost:5173/user/registration
  5. http://localhost:5173/user/recovery/get-link
  6. http://localhost:5173/user/recovery/:recoveryLink
  7. http://localhost:5173/administration/product/create
  8. http://localhost:5173/administration/category/create
  9. http://localhost:5173/product/:productId
  10. http://localhost:5173/cart

Working routes(back end):

  1. user
  2. category
  3. product

Thanks for your attention