
A Python Bot for Discord. Powered by discord.py

Primary LanguagePython

This bot is no longer used. I am currently in development of a complete "rewrite" but also adapting the new "rewrite" library of discord.py.

Again, I will repeat. This bot is outdated. It is here for personal historical reasons and not for actual use.

The reason why this repository is still available because it has some learning value out of it. But it's not meant to be used with the current state of discord or discord.py. Now stop asking me to help you set up a bot that's outdated.

The new bot is named "Koyomi Araragi" and here are some helpful links


A Python Bot for Discord. Powered by discord.py

Currently this bot is undergoing a huge rewrite that is currently private. (in order to make it server-compatible)

What is ChitogeBot?

ChitogeBot is a chatbot that is used for Discord servers.

It is using the python API wrapper, discord.py that wraps around the DiscordAPI.


All Commands start with the prefix ~ The test bot uses the prefix $

  - manga      Returns the top manga of whatever the user asked for.
  - anime      Returns the top anime of whatever the user asked for.
  - woof       When user types ~woof, return a woof link 
  - meow       When User Types ~meow, return a cat link 
  - xkcd       Gives a random XKCD Comic
  - ch         Gives a random Cyanide & Happiness Comic
  - chrng      Gives a randomly generated Cyanide & Happiness Comic
  - ask        Asks wolfram alpha
  - choose     Chooses between multiple choices.
  - flip       Flips a coin.
  - roll       Rolls a dice in NdN format.
  - avatar     Grabbing an avatar of a person 
  - 8ball      Ask the 8Ball 
  - wiki       Grabs Wikipedia Article 
  - owgif      
  - playing    Shows info about the currently played song.
  - play       Plays a song.
  - pause      Pauses the currently played song.
  - skip       Vote to skip a song. The song requester can automatically skip.
  - volume     Sets the volume of the currently playing song.
  - summon     Summons the bot to join your voice channel.
  - resume     Resumes the currently played song.
  - join       Joins a voice channel.
  - stop       Stops playing audio and leaves the voice channel.
  - osu        Look up an osu player:
  - osusig     Look up an osu player:
  - overwatch  RNG OVERWATCH 
  - owstats    This only works in US Server Currently
  - owteam     Get a random OW Team 
  - pad        Searches a PAD monster
  - safebooru  Searches Safebooru
  - weather    Grab the weather using GoogleGeoCodeAPI and DarkSkyAPI
  - blackwords Words that are not included in wordDB
  - topwords   Top 10 words used in the server.
  - xdcc       
​No Category:
  - help       Shows this message.

It also has cleverbot integration, so if you type @[name of Bot] it will respond to you.

The up-to-date version is in the develop branch.