
Import YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak - Configuration as Code for Keycloak.

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keycloak-config-cli is a Keycloak utility to ensure the desired configuration state for a realm based on a JSON/YAML file. The format of the JSON/YAML file based on the export realm format. Store and handle the configuration files inside git just like normal code. A Keycloak restart isn't required to apply the configuration.

Config files

The config files are based on the keycloak export files. You can use them to re-import your settings. But keep your files as small as possible. Remove all UUIDs and all stuff which is default set by keycloak.

moped.json is a full working example file you can consider. Other examples are located in the test resources.

Variable Substitution

keycloak-config-cli supports variable substitution of config files. This could be enabled by import.var-substitution.enabled=true (disabled by default).

Variables exposed by spring boot (through configtree or external configuration) can be accessed by $(property.name).

In additional, the string substitution support multiple prefixes for different approaches

Base64 Decoder:        $(base64Decoder:SGVsbG9Xb3JsZCE=)
Base64 Encoder:        $(base64Encoder:HelloWorld!)
Java Constant:         $(const:java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
Date:                  $(date:yyyy-MM-dd)
DNS:                   $(dns:address|apache.org)
Environment Variable:  $(env:USERNAME)
File Content:          $(file:UTF-8:src/test/resources/document.properties)
Java:                  $(java:version)
Localhost:             $(localhost:canonical-name)
Properties File:       $(properties:src/test/resources/document.properties::mykey)
Resource Bundle:       $(resourceBundle:org.example.testResourceBundleLookup:mykey)
Script:                $(script:javascript:3 + 4)
System Property:       $(sys:user.dir)
URL Decoder:           $(urlDecoder:Hello%20World%21)
URL Encoder:           $(urlEncoder:Hello World!)
URL Content (HTTP):    $(url:UTF-8:http://www.apache.org)
URL Content (HTTPS):   $(url:UTF-8:https://www.apache.org)
URL Content (File):    $(url:UTF-8:file:///$(sys:user.dir)/src/test/resources/document.properties)
XML XPath:             $(xml:src/test/resources/document.xml:/root/path/to/node)

to replace the values with java system properties or environment variables. Recursive variable replacement like $(file:UTF-8:$(env:KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD_FILE)) is enabled by default if import.var-substitution.enabled is set to true.

The variable substitution is running before the json parser gets executed. This allows json structures or complex values.

See Apache Common StringSubstitutor documentation for more information and advanced usage.

Note: Since variable substitution is a part of the keycloak-config-cli, it's done locally. This means, the environment variables need to be available where keycloak-config-cli is executed.

If import.var-substitution.prefix=${ and import.var-substitution.suffix=} (default in keycloak-config-cli 3.x) is set, then keycloak builtin variables like ${role_uma_authorization} needs to be escaped by $${role_uma_authorization}.


JSON logging support

keycloak-config-cli supports logging in JSON format. To enable, set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=json-log.

Log level

CLI Option ENV Variable Description Default
--logging.level.root LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT define the root log level info
--logging.level.keycloak-config-cli LOGGING_LEVEL_KEYCLOAKCONFIGCLI log level of keycloak-config-cli components value of loging.level.root
--logging.level.http LOGGING_LEVEL_HTTP log level http requests between keycloak-config-cli and Keycloak value of loging.level.root
--logging.level.realm-config LOGGING_LEVEL_REALMCONFIG if set to trace, the realm config including sensitive information will be logged value of loging.level.root

Supported features

See: docs/FEATURES.md

Compatibility with keycloak

Since keycloak-config-cli 4.0 will support the latest 4 releases of keycloak, if possible.

There are some exceptions, for example if keycloak introduce some backward compatible changes, keycloak-config-cli will cut the support, too.

Build this project

keycloak-config-cli using maven to build and test keycloak-config-cli. In case maven is not installed on your system, the mvnw command will download maven for you.

Further development requirements

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Docker Desktop or an alternative replacement (e.g Rancher Desktop)
./mvnw verify

# Windows only
mvnw.cmd verify

If your are working with a Docker Desktop replacement, some of the Integrationtests can fail due to internal DNS Lookups (host.docker.internal is not reachable). In this case the host can be replaced by a property.

mvn verify -DJUNIT_LDAP_HOST=an.alternate.host.or.ip

Run integration tests against real keycloak

We are using TestContainers in our integration tests. To run the integration tests a configured docker environment is required.

./mvnw verify

# Windows only
mvnw.cmd verify

Run this project

Start a local keycloak on port 8080:

docker-compose down --remove-orphans && docker-compose up keycloak

before performing following command:

java -jar ./target/keycloak-config-cli.jar \
    --keycloak.url=http://localhost:8080 \
    --keycloak.ssl-verify=true \
    --keycloak.user=admin \
    --keycloak.password=admin123 \


A docker images is available at DockerHub (docker.io/adorsys/keycloak-config-cli) and quay.io (quay.io/adorsys/keycloak-config-cli)

Available docker tags

Tag Description
latest latest available release of keycloak-config-cli which is built against the latest supported Keycloak release.
latest-x.y.z latest available release of keycloak-config-cli which is built against the Keycloak version x.y.z.
edge latest commit on the main branch and which is built against the latest supported Keycloak release.
a.b.c keycloak-config-cli version a.b.c which is built against the latest supported Keycloak release.
a.b.c-x.y.z keycloak-config-cli version a.b.c which is built against the Keycloak version x.y.z.
maven See below

Additionally, the tag maven contains the source code and compile keycloak-config-cli at runtime. This has the advantage to keycloak-config-cli with Keycloak versions, that not official supported., e.g.:

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/config/ -eKEYCLOAK_VERSION=17.0.0 -eMAVEN_CLI_OPTS="-B -ntp -q" adorsys/keycloak-config-cli:edge-build

Docker run

For docker -e you have to replace dots with underscores.

docker run \
    -e KEYCLOAK_URL="http://<your keycloak host>:8080/" \
    -e KEYCLOAK_USER="<keycloak admin username>" \
    -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD="<keycloak admin password>" \
    -e IMPORT_FILES='/config/*' \
    -v <your config path>:/config \

Docker build

You can build an own docker image by running

docker build -t keycloak-config-cli .


We provide a helm chart here.

Since it makes no sense to deploy keycloak-config-cli as standalone application, you could add it as dependency to your chart deployment.

Checkout helm docs about chart dependencies!


CLI option / Environment Variables

Keycloak options

CLI Option ENV Variable Description Default Docs
--keycloak.url KEYCLOAK_URL Keycloak URL including web context. Format: scheme://hostname:port/web-context. -
--keycloak.user KEYCLOAK_USER login user name admin
--keycloak.password KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD login user password -
--keycloak.client-id KEYCLOAK_CLIENTID login clientId admin-cli
--keycloak.client-secret KEYCLOAK_CLIENTSECRET login client secret -
--keycloak.grant-type KEYCLOAK_GRANTTYPE login grant_type password
--keycloak.login-realm KEYCLOAK_LOGINREALM login realm master
--keycloak.ssl-verify KEYCLOAK_SSLVERIFY Verify ssl connection to keycloak true
--keycloak.http-proxy KEYCLOAK_HTTPPROXY Connect to Keycloak via HTTP Proxy. Format: scheme://hostname:port -
--keycloak.connect-timeout KEYCLOAK_CONNECTTIMEOUT Connection timeout 10s
--keycloak.read-timeout KEYCLOAK_READTIMEOUT Read timeout 10s configured as Java Duration
--keycloak.availability-check.enabled KEYCLOAK_AVAILABILITYCHECK_ENABLED Wait until Keycloak is available false configured as Java Duration
--keycloak.availability-check.timeout KEYCLOAK_AVAILABILITYCHECK_TIMEOUT Wait timeout for keycloak availability check 120s

Import options

CLI Option ENV Variable Description Default Docs
--import.validate IMPORT_VALIDATE Validate configuration settings false
--import.parallel IMPORT_PARALLEL Enable parallel import of certain resources false
--import.files.locations IMPORT_FILES_LOCATIONS Location of config files (URL, file path, or Ant-style pattern) - IMPORT.md
--import.files.include-hidden-files IMPORT_FILES_INCLUDE_HIDDEN_FILES Includes files that marked as hidden false
--import.files.excludes IMPORT_FILES_EXCLUDES Exclude files with Ant-style pattern -
--import.cache.enabled IMPORT_CACHE_ENABLED Enable caching of import file locations true
--import.cache.key IMPORT_CACHE_KEY Cache key for importing config. default
--import.remote-state.enabled IMPORT_REMOTESTATE_ENABLED Enable remote state management. Purge only resources managed by keycloak-config-cli. true MANAGED.md
--import.remote-state.encryption-key IMPORT_REMOTESTATE_ENCRYPTIONKEY Enables remote state in encrypted format. If unset, state will be stored in plain -
--import.var-substitution.enabled IMPORT_VARSUBSTITUTION_ENABLED Enable variable substitution config files false
--import.var-substitution.nested IMPORT_VARSUBSTITUTION_NESTED Expand variables in variables. true
--import.var-substitution.undefined-is-error IMPORT_VARSUBSTITUTION_UNDEFINEDISTERROR Raise exceptions, if variables are not defined. true
--import.var-substitution.prefix IMPORT_VARSUBSTITUTION_PREFIX Configure the variable prefix, if import.var-substitution.enabled is true. $(
--import.var-substitution.suffix IMPORT_VARSUBSTITUTION_SUFFIX Configure the variable suffix, if import.var-substitution.enabled is true. )
--import.behaviors.sync-user-federation IMPORT_BEHAVIORS_SYNC_USER_FEDERATION Enable the synchronization of user federation. false
--import.behaviors.remove-default-role-from-user IMPORT_BEHAVIORS_REMOVEDEFAULTROLEFROMUSER The default setting of this flag prevents keycloak-config-cli from removing default-roles-$REALM, even if its not defined in the import json. To make keycloak-config-cli able to remove the default-role-$REALM, import.remove-default-role-from-user must be set to true. In conclusion, you have to add the default-role-$REALM to the realm import on certain users, if you want not remove the default-role-$REALM. false
--import.behaviors.skip-attributes-for-federated-user IMPORT_BEHAVIORS_SKIP_ATTRIBUTESFORFEDERATEDUSER Set attributes to null for federated users to avoid read only conflicts false

Spring boot options

CLI Option ENV Variable Description Default Docs
--spring.profiles.active SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE enable spring profiles. comma separated - Set the Active Spring Profiles
--spring.config.import SPRING_CONFIG_IMPORT See below info Configure properties values through files
--loging.level.root LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT define the root log level info Logging
--debug DEBUG enables debug mode of spring boot false

See application.properties for all available settings.

For docker -e you have to remove hyphens and replace dots with underscores.

Take a look at spring relax binding or binding from Environment Variables if you need alternative spellings.

Configure properties values through files

By define an environment variable SPRING_CONFIG_IMPORT=configtree:/run/secrets/, the values of properties can be provided via files instead of plain environment variable values.

Example: To configure the property keycloak.password in this case, the file should be in /run/secrets/keycloak.password.

The configuration and secret support in Docker Swarm is a perfect match for this use case.

Checkout the spring docs to get more information about the configuration trees feature in spring boot.

Perform release

Building releases requires gpg signing.

Example to create and add a key to yout git config on MacOS

brew install gnupg
gpg --version
gpg --full-generate-key
# follow instructions
gpg --list-keys
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=short
# check the 8 digit code eg "ssb   xxxxxxx/E51442F5 2022-01-01 [X]"
git config --global user.signingkey E51442F5

Finally add the key to your Github account under Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New GPG key

Create release via maven release plugin:

./mvnw -Dresume=false release:prepare release:clean
git push --follow-tags

Commercial support

Checkout https://adorsys.com/en/products/keycloak-config-cli/ for commercial support.