Join my Discord (German)
A Velocity proxy plugin which adds customizable commands from the bungeecord proxy and a little bit more.
- Alert
- Permission:
- Description:
Send a message to every user which is connected to the proxy. It supports MiniMessage.
Link - Usage:
/alert <Message>
- Permission:
- Find
- Permission:
- Description:
Find a player which is connected to the proxy. Good, if you want to see, which server someone is on.
- Usage:
/find <Player>
- Permission:
- Goto
- Permission:
- Description:
Go to a player, which is connected to a different server. (Only Server switching. Not teleporting to their location)
- Usage:
/goto <Player>
- Permission:
- IP
- Permission:
- Description:
Get the IP of a connected Player.
- Usage:
/ip <Player>
- Permission:
- Kickall
- Permission:
(Bypass the Kickall Command),vplus.kickall.force
(Kick all. Bypass Users included),vplus.kickall.servername
(Per server permission) - Description:
Kick all players from the proxy, or from a specific server. There is a bypass Permission for the default and per server kickall command. If you use --force and have the vplus.kickall.force Permission, then you can kick even the Players which have the bypass permission.
- Usage:
/kickall {Server} {--force}
{} = Optional
- Permission:
- Send
- Permission:
- Description:
Send a player to another server. You can send all players which are connected to the proxy, all players which are connected to your current server, all players which are connected to a different browser or single users to another server.
- Usage:
/send <all, current, Server, User> <Target Server>
- Permission:
- Alert Command
- Find Command
- Goto Command
- IP Command
- Kickall Command
- Send Command
- Added configurable texts
- Configuration file with texts and prefix. (Alert command has its own prefix)
- Implement format parser to Alert command
- Implement format parser to Kickall command
- Implement format parser to configs for advanced text formatting.
- Add placeholder function for every text. (I may add placeholderAPI support, but I'm not sure)