
Practices on data analysis including: cleaning, visualization and EDA on different datasets using Python, SQL, Power BI, etc.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Analysis and EDA Projects

This repo contains notebooks on various datasets as a practice on data analysis, all notebooks include:

  1. Data Cleaning.
  2. Data Visualization.
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis.

Each project contains detailed README file that cointains an informative description of the dataset and its columns, summary of exploring the dataframe and step to be taken in data cleaning phase, visualizations findings and EDA conclusions.

Table of contents:

No. Datasets Tool
01 TMDB movies' ratings Python
02 Auto MPG Python
03 Medical Appointment No Show Python
04 9000+ Movies Dataset Analysis Python
05 Wine Quality Dataset EDA Python
06 Query a Digital Music Store Database SQL
07 Build a Data Model for Seven Sages Brewing Company Power BI
08 Building a Power BI Report for Waggle Power BI
09 Market Analysis Report for National Clothing Chain Power BI
10 Sales Analysis in Power BI: Clean and Analyze Sales Data Coursera Guided Project Power BI
11 Dyslexia and Music Notes Paper Data Analysis Power BI