
Synack Host Parser

Primary LanguageGo

JSON to Hosts Parser


This tool is a Go (Golang) application that parses JSON data and extracts the host fields, writing unique domains to an output file.


  • Ensure you have Go language installed. Go download page
  • Clone this repo or download and extract the ZIP file.


The application is run from the command line. Use the following parameters to specify the JSON data file and output file:

go run main.go --file <JSON_FILE> --output <OUTPUT_FILE>


  • --file (required): Path to the JSON data file.
  • --output (optional): Path to the output file. If not provided, a file named output.txt will be created.

You can also use the --help parameter to display the help page:

go run main.go --help

Example Usage

go run main.go --file data.json --output domains.txt


  • Go language installed
  • Install the github.com/fatih/color package:
go get github.com/fatih/color


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you wish to contribute to this project, please submit a pull request or open an issue. Contributions are welcome!

Copyright © 2023 [xShuden]