
POM Selenium is a microframework and extensible wrapper for Selenium Webdriver which combines suitable patterns such as Page Object Models + Inversion of Control with Dependency Injection + Fluent Interface + Design by Contract, making web applications testing easy.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0



POM Selenium is a microframework and extensible wrapper for Selenium Webdriver which combines suitable patterns such as Page Object Models + Inversion of Control with Dependency Injection + Fluent Interface + Design by Contract, making web applications testing easy.


πŸ™ŒNo need to write code: You'll find a set of generic methods that have been designed for general purposes.
πŸ— Auto-Generated Pages: create a configuration file, configure pages selectors and have your class files ready.
πŸ› οΈExtensible: Is something missing? Expand the functionality to your need.


This package is also available on Nuget Packages: https://www.nuget.org/packages/POM.Selenium


Install-Package POM.Selenium


dotnet add package POM.Selenium

Getting Started

Setting up

The basic template for "Pages" setup is done through configuration file such as appsettings.json declaring a new section. Once it's done, the application will try to generate these pages based on the following convention:

appsettings.json file:

  "Pages": {
    "NugetPages": {
      "HomePage": { ... },
      "SignInPage": { ... },
      "PackagesPage": { ... }
    "AmazonPages": {
      "LoginPage": { ... },
      "CartPage": { ... },
      "CustomerServicePage": { ... }

Program.cs file:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                // Adding POM.Selenium with auto generated pages - occurs once for new files
                // this requires the first execution before being able to configure with AddPage<T>()
                // Setting up IWebDriver for this test
                services.AddSingleton<IWebDriver, ChromeDriver>();
                // Setting up www.nuget.org testing pages
                services.AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<HomePage>());
                services.AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<SignInPage>());
                services.AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<PackagesPage>());
                // Setting up www.amazon.com testing pages
                services.AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<LoginPage>());
                services.AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<CartPage>());
                services.AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<CustomerServicePage>());

Your Folder structure should look like this after the auto-generate pages enabled:

[MyProject Folder]
β”œβ”€β”€ bin
β”œβ”€β”€ obj
β”œβ”€β”€ Pages
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ AmazonPages
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ CartPage.cs
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ CustomerServicePage.cs
β”‚   β”‚   └── LoginPage.cs
β”‚   └── NugetPages
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ HomePage.cs
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ PackagesPage.cs
β”‚       └── SignInPage.cs
β”œβ”€β”€ appsettings.json
β”œβ”€β”€ Program.cs
└── MyProject.csproj

πŸ“œ Convention

POM.Selenium follows the standards suggested by the page object models pattern, as shown below:

Item Type Convention Example
Root folder Pages A fixed keyword that works as an umbrella for all pages.
Sites folder Site-name + Pages suffix AmazonPages, AirbnbPages, IkeaPages...
Pages class Page-name + Page suffix LoginPage, ElectronicsPage, CheckoutPage, JobsPage...

Choosing and configuring Page selectors

There are pre-defined selectors ready to be used at any time with the generic methods.

Selector Name Type Description
PageReference string A single element that represents the page itself (unique preferable).
PageButtons string[] A set of elements that represent buttons on the page.
SetFields string[] A set of elements that represent values to be inserted on the page.
GetFields string[] A set of elements that represent values to be captured from the page.
Table string A single element that represents the rows of a given table on the page.
TableFields string[] A set of elements that represent columns indexes to be captured from an existing Table selector.
ErrorElements string[] A set of elements that represent erros on the page.
LoadElement string A single element that represents visual loading of the page.

Page selectors are only supported with CssSelector and XPath declaration, either option will be automatically detected at runtime.

Here is a complete and real-world example of how it can be used (get the entire code: examples folder):

appsettings.json file:

  "Pages": {
      "NugetPages": {
          "PackagesPage": {
              "PageReference": "input#search",
              "Table": "#skippedToContent article.package",
              "PageButtons": ["button[title='Search for packages']", "[data-package-id='POM.Selenium']"],
              "SetFields": ["input#search"],
              "GetFields": null,
              "TableFields": null,
              "ErrorElements": null,
              "LoadElement": null
          "POMSeleniumPage": {
              "PageReference": "//title[contains(text(),'POM.Selenium')]",
              "Table": null,
              "PageButtons": null,
              "SetFields": null,
              "GetFields": [
                "//aside[@aria-label='Package details info']//ul[2]//li[1]",
                "//aside[@aria-label='Package details info']//ul[2]//li[2]",
                "//aside[@aria-label='Package details info']//ul[2]//li[3]"],
              "TableFields": null,
              "ErrorElements": null,
              "LoadElement": null

Program.cs file:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                .AddSingleton<IWebDriver, ChromeDriver>()
                .AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<PackagesPage>())
                .AddTransient(s => s.AddPage<POMSeleniumPage>());

Model/PackageStatistics.cs file:

public class PackageStatistics
    public string TotalDownloads { get; set; }
    public string DownloadsCurrentVersion { get; set; }
    public string DownloadPerDay { get; set; }

Worker.cs file:

public class Worker : BackgroundService
    private PackagesPage _packagesPage { get; set; }
    private POMSeleniumPage _pomSeleniumPage { get; set; }
    public Worker(PackagesPage packagesPage, POMSeleniumPage pomSeleniumPage)
        _packagesPage = packagesPage;
        _pomSeleniumPage = pomSeleniumPage;
    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        // Searching awesome packages on www.nuget.org
        // with Fluent Interface
        .Requires() // Design by Contract
        .GoToUrl("nuget.org/packages") // Go to page itself
        .IsOnPage() // Uses "PageReference" selector for this evaluation
        .Fulfill(); // Contract evaluation ensures that you are testing with the minimum conditions

        var foundPackage = _packagesPage
        .SetPageValues("pom selenium") // Uses "SetFields" selectors for search input - field index can be supplied
        .PerformClick() // Uses "PageButtons" selectors to perform click on configured element - button index can be supplied
        .HasTableResults(); // Uses "Table" selector for this validation

        if (!foundPackage)

        _packagesPage.PerformClick();// Clicks on POM.Selenium element based on "PageButtons"

        // The contract requires being on the right page (POM.Selenium package page)
        //Fill the model with values captured from page - based on "GetFields" selector
        var packageModel = _pomSeleniumPage
        .PageValues as PackageStatistics; // Cast dynamic object to model type
        // Show results captured from POM.Selenium page
        Console.WriteLine("Total Downloads: "+packageModel.TotalDownloads);
        Console.WriteLine("of Current Version: " +packageModel.DownloadsCurrentVersion);
        Console.WriteLine("Download Per Day: "+packageModel.DownloadPerDay);
        // Ends navigation with a more flexible method
        _pomSeleniumPage.Execute(driver => driver?.Dispose());


Use cases - work in progress

API - work in progress