
Updates your slack status with song information from https://listen.moe

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Archiving repo - slack no longer has self tokens (atleast, I dont think) so it's not possible to run this this way.

Listen.moe-SlackStatusUpdater by xTheEc0

Updates your slack status (and discord presence) with song information from https://listen.moe
Huge thanks to guys and gals from Listen.moe discord for helping me deal with their API : P

UPDATE 2018-01-23 - The peeps at listen.moe released v4 of their API recently, so I updated the project (totally not because v2 that I was using was killed...)

UPDATE 2018-01-24 - HUGE Thanks to TheAkio for wrapping up the WebSocket for Listen.moe. Code is so much simpler now!

UPDATE 2018-03-27 - Now supports jpop and kpop streams. Again, made easy by TheAkio's wrapper : P

UPDATE 2018-07-10 - Complete code rework thanks to people from reddit : )

P.S: I am in no way good at js or programming. Just a little personal pet project : )

To launch:

  1. Download or clone repo
  2. Install dependencies npm i
  3. Add your slack token to .env file (Create here: https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens)
  4. Add your discord token to .env file (Yes, this is self botting)
  5. Launch with node . or node index.js
    1. Launch jpop or kpop stream by specifying node . kpop (default: jpop)


If you got this far.. thanks?
If you want to (and can) improve this code, please do, PR it, and I will (most likely) accept it : )
I am more familiar with C++/C# sytax/formatting so if the formatting for my js looks like something out of horror movie for you, thats because it is. Sorry for the PTSD.
Used ESLint with quite strict rules to make it more human readable : D (cough getSources and getArtists methods cough)