
A simple clap-like command line argument parser written in Nim

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT


A simple clap-like command line argument parser written in Nim


nclap is a small and simple, clap-like (more argparse-like, but nargparse sounded less cool) command line argument parser written in Nim.

It can be used with commands (for example ./program add task "use nim" or ./program remove project "use python"), flags (for example ./program -l --all --output=file), or both.


Here are some examples, (or just go see the examples)

Example 1 (flags only):

import nclap/[

var p = newParser("example number 1, flags only")

# NOTE: p.addFlag(short, long, description=long, holds_value=false, required=false)
p.addFlag("-h", "--help", "shows this help message")
  .addFlag("-vv", "--verbose", "shows additional informations")
  .addFlag("-o", "--output", , "outputs to a file", true)

let args = p.parse()

# you can access the flag value with the short or the long version
if args["--help"].registered:
  # NOTE: the `showHelp` message can be tuned,
  # try to tinker with the parameters and see what happens

if args["-vv"].registered:
  echo "Showing additional information"

echo "Output goes to: " & args["--output"].getContent(default="/path/to/default_file")
$ nim c examples/example1.nim
$ ./example1 -vv --output=/path/to/file
Showing additional information
Output goes to: /path/to/file

Example 2 (commands only):

import nclap/[

var p = newParser("example number 2, commands only")

# NOTE: p.addCommand(name, subcommands=@[], desc=name, required=true)
p.addCommand("add", @[newCommand("task", @[], "adds a task"), newCommand("project", @[], "adds a project")], "")
  .addCommand("remove", @[newCommand("task", @[], "removes a task"), newCommand("project", @[], "removes a project")], "")
  .addCommand("list", @[newCommand("all", @[], "lists everything", required=false)], "lists almost everything")

let args = p.parse()

if args["add"].registered:
  if args["task"].registered:
    echo "Adding task", args["add"]["task"].getContent()
    echo "Adding project", args["add"]["project"].getContent()
elif args["remove"].registered:
  if args["task"].registered:
    echo "Removing task", args["remove"]["task"].getContent()
    echo "Removing project", args["remove"]["project"].getContent()
  echo "Listing " & (if args["list"]["all"].registered: "" else: "almost ") & "everything"
$ nim c examples/example2.nim
$ ./example2 add project "use python"
Adding project use python

Example 3 (commands and flag):

import nclap/[

proc outputTo(out: string, content: string) =
  if out == "": echo content
  else: writeFile(out, content)

var p = newParser("example number 2, commands only")

p.addCommand("add", @[newCommand("task", @[], "adds a task"), newCommand("project", @[], "adds a project")], "")
  .addCommand("remove", @[newCommand("task", @[newFlag("-n", "--no-log", "does not log the deletion")], "removes a task"), newCommand("project", @[], "removes a project")], "")
  .addCommand("list", @[newFlag("-a", "--all", "show even hidden tasks/projects")], "listing tasks and projects")
  .addFlag("-o", "--output", "outputs the content to a file", true)

let args = p.parse()
let out = (if args["-o"].registered: args["-o"].getContent(error=true) else: "")  # NOTE: we error if no value was found because the flag is supposed to be required

if args["add"].registered:
  if args["task"].registered:
    outputTo(out, "Adding task" & args["add"]["task"].getContent())
    outputTo(out, "Adding project" & args["add"]["project"].getContent())
elif args["remove"].registered:
  if not args["task"]["-n"]:
    if args["task"].registered:
      outputTo(out, "Removing task" & args["remove"]["task"].getContent())
      outputTo(out, "Removing project" & args["remove"]["project"].getContent())
  outputTo(out, "Listing " & (if args["list"]["-a"].registered: "" else: "almost") & " everything")
$ nim c examples/example3.nim
$ ./example3 remove --no-log task "use python"
Removing project use python


Customizing the help message

You can customize the parser help message:

let settings: HelpSettings = (
    tabstring: "│   ",
    prefix_pretab: "-> ",
    prefix_posttab: "├─ ",
    prefix_posttab_last: "└─ ",
    surround_left: "{",
    surround_right: "}",
    separator: ", ",
var p = newParser("customizing help message", settings)

p.addCommand("add", @[newCommand("task", @[], "adds a task"), newCommand("project", @[], "adds a project")], "")
  .addCommand("remove", @[newCommand("task", @[newFlag("-n", "--no-log", "does not log the deletion")], "removes a task"), newCommand("project", @[], "removes a project")], "")
  .addCommand("list", @[newFlag("-a", "--all", "show even hidden tasks/projects")], "listing tasks and projects")
  .addFlag("-o", "--output", "outputs the content to a file", true)

let args = p.parse()
$ ./program
customizing help message
-> ├─ {add}
-> │   ├─ {task}                adds a task
-> │   └─ {project}             adds a project
-> ├─ {remove}
-> │   ├─ {task}                removes a task
-> │   │   └─ {-n, --no-log}            does not log the deletion
-> │   └─ {project}             removes a project
-> ├─ {list}            listing tasks and projects
-> │   └─ {-a, --all}           show even hidden tasks/projects
-> └─ {-o, --output}            outputs the content to a file

It might not be the most beautiful help message, but at least it covers every option that are availible for the moment.
Feel free to tinker with these to find the perfect combination

Compact short flags

You can use the enforce_shortflag=true in newParser to enforce flags short version to be at most 1 character long (for example -a, -o, but not -type)

This will enable compacting short flags when parsing. For example, ./program -abc will be expanded as ./program -a -b -c ./program -abco=output_file will be expanded as ./program -a -b -c -o=output_file

By default this option is off, letting you have short flags as long as you want (not too long though, for example -outputtoacertainfileaftercallingandthisflagisbecomingabittoolong is a tiny bit too long) but will not enable compacting short flags (for example ./program -abc will stay ./program -abc)

Bugs and fixes:

If you encounter any bug, issue or suggestion about anything, please open an issue or a PR