
3rd Party Service for Hodgins-Server

Hodgins: 3rd Party Service grocy

A repository, providing an grocy service for Hodgins Server.


This repository provides an ansible-playbook which will:

  • pull the image
  • create service folder
  • create a systemd service file
  • start and enable the systemd service
  • open up the firewall


A hodgins server or compatible deployment must be provided.


Clone the repository next to you existing Hodgins Server code.

git clone https://github.com/xXluki98Xx/service_grocy.git

Afterwards, you can install the service.

ansible-playbook -i <path-to-your-inventory> -k -K -u <hodgins-users> playbooks/service_grocy.yml


The installation will respond to you with a running grocy service. Now you can enter the report page:


To interact with the container, you will have multiple options.

Via Systemd on your hodgins server (recommended), you can interact with the service the same way you are interacting with other services on your system.

Get the status:

$ sudo systemctl status podman

Restart the service (and apply updated images):

$ sudo systemctl restart service_grocy

Services in Hodgins are running in containers. You can interact with the containers via Podman.

Check all containers:

podman ps

Restart a running container:

podman container restart service_grocy


Thank you so much for considering to contribute! We are happy, when someone is joining the hard work. Please feel free to contribute, after having a look at the Conventions.