
Primary LanguageShell


xZecora's collection of configs and scripts. Some he wrote, some he likes to pretend he wrote.


This will overwrite any previous config files you have for the included software, I would recommend picking and choosing what you want, this script is primarily for me

git clone https://github.com/xZecora/deskdots.git
cd deskdots

Included programs

  • Powerlevel 10k zsh Theme
  • zsh
  • bspwm
  • neofetch
  • nvim
  • polybar
  • ranger
  • rofi
  • spectrwm
  • sxhkd
  • dwm bar I use
  • and several scripts I use to manage things about my computer and setup, most of which are personalized for my computer

Several included programs aren't ready out of the box for every computer to use note to add visual indication of programs that are and arent viable for immediate use