
Logger for PHP is a simple configurable class adding logging capabilities to your PHP code

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

What is logger-for-php

Logger for PHP is a simple configurable class adding modern logging capabilities to your PHP code.

Latest version: 1.2

How do I get set up?

Just add it to your project and import the Logger class into your php code and create a new instance

require_once 'logger-for-php/Logger.php';

$logger = new Logger();

Logger configuration

Logger class instances come with a default configuration but you can and should use you own. Like in modern logging systems you can set you own

  • Log level (by default is LogLevel::ALL)
  • log file path ( by default is $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "log/" )
  • a prefix for your log file (by defaut is 'log')

In order to issue a new configuration you can create a new instance of the LoggerConfig class and pass it to the Logger constructor, e.g.:

$config = new LoggerConfig();
$config->logLevel = LogLevel::ERROR;
$config->logFilePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "my_app_folder/log/";
$config->logNamePrefix = "myAppLog";

$logger = new Logger($config);

You can vary Logger configuration at any time by calling the 'updateConfiguration' method in the Logger object, like this


Log Levels

So far supported log levels are

  • ALL
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • OFF (switch off logging)

Logging events

Once you have your Logger instance, you can easily start logging events inside your php code by calling the method matching the priority level of your event and passing in:

  • a 'tag' identifying the scope of the event (e.g. the PHP class generating the event or whatever you want)
  • the 'text' of the message you want to log


$logger->debug("Home page", "Web app started!!!");

$logger->error("Login", "An exception occurred: " . $ex->getMessage());

Log file

Based on the examples shown above the log file will be called myAppLog_2020-02-02.log and will look like this:

D/Home page [ 02/Feb/20 15:09:41 ]: Web app started!!!
E/Login [ 02/Feb/20 15:10:35 ]: An exception occurred: Invalid credentials provided.

Contribution guidelines

You can contribute to the project by:

  • Reporting issues
  • Writing tests
  • Proposing missing features
  • Issuing pull requests

Who do I talk to?

Project owner: Paolo Montalto - p.montalto@xabaras.it