
Contains the code snippets for Jassmine JavaScript test framework for VS Code editor

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VS Code Jasmine snippets

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This extension contains code snippets for Jasmine test framework and is based on the awesome sublime-jasmine package by @NicoSantangelo.


In order to install an extension you need to launch the Command Pallete (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and type Extensions. There you have either the option to show the already installed snippets or install new ones.

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • TypeScript React (.tsx)


Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The means the TAB key.


Trigger Content
desc→ describe method
xdesc→ xdescribe method
fdesc→ fdescribe method
it→ it method
xit→ xit method
fit→ fit method
ae→ after each method
be→ before each method


Trigger Content
exp→ expect
tb→ expect().toBe
tbct→ expect().toBeCloseTo
tbd→ expect().toBeDefined
tbf→ expect().toBeFalsy
tbgt→ expect().toBeGreaterThan
tblt→ expect().toBeLessThan
tbn→ expect().toBeNull
tbt→ expect().toBeTruthy
tbu→ expect().toBeUndefined
tc→ expect().toContain
te→ expect().toEqual
thbc→ expect().toHaveBeenCalled
thbcw→ expect().toHaveBeenCalledWith
tm→ expect().toMatch
tt→ expect().toThrow
tte→ expect().toThrowError
nb→ expect().not.toBe
nct→ expect().not.toBeCloseTo
nd→ expect().not.toBeDefined
nf→ expect().not.toBeFalsy
ngt→ expect().not.toBeGreaterThan
nlt→ expect().not.toBeLessThan
nn→ expect().not.toBeNull
nt→ expect().not.toBeTruthy
nu→ expect().not.toBeUndefined
nc→ expect().not.toContain
ne→ expect().not.toEqual
nm→ expect().not.toMatch
nt→ expect().not.toThrow
any→ jasmine.any
oc→ jasmine.objectContaining


Trigger Content
so→ spyOn
sct→ spyOn.and.callThrough
scf→ spyOn.and.callFake
spg→ spyOnProperty($obj,'$property', 'get')
sps→ spyOnProperty($obj,'$property', 'set')
srv→ spyOn.and.returnValue
ss→ spyOn.and.stub
ste→ spyOn.and.throwError
ca→ spy.calls.all
caa→ spy.calls.allArgs
ca→ spy.calls.any
caf→ spy.calls.argsFor
cc→ spy.calls.count
cf→ spy.calls.first
cmr→ spy.calls.mostRecent
cr→ spy.calls.reset
cs→ createSpy
cso→ createSpyObj