
OpenSourceRT.com - site to share hacking information for Real-Time troubleshooting and disinfection

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Personal web implemented with Gatsby.

You can see My web or If you interested you can even check Admin CMS

email: george@georgee.co.uk
password: admin1234
please do not add or delete content, just look how it works..

Getting started:

2. Install dependencies.

Development workflow:

🎉 To start your development process, Run gatsby develop in the terminal. This will prepare the project for work and launch watch tasks to update files on-the-fly as you work.

Production build:

👻 Production-ready files, Run gatsby build and grab entire public folder. 💜


Tech Description Using
React Blazing fast workflow for static web with React.js Gatsby, React
CSS Compiled CSS styles, to automate the tedious BEM notation it's better to use CSS/SASS modules, Components are styled using it and inside pages folder is used styled-components. (sass/modules,autoprefixer,helmet) styled-components
JavaScript It has been built with default configurations.. Also In this case used prop-types insted of TypeScript but at some points U can omit it at all. Babel, Typechecking
Offline-first Progressive Web App (PWA) Service worker
GraphQL Compared to be an alternative and even replace to REST web services, 'in a couple of years'. But main reason of usage is that Gatsby is powered by GraphQL. GraphQL
DATA SOURCE In this case I used simple Markdown. But it can be any type of database, APIs. etc remark
Hosting & CMS Hosting and Serverless backend services for static websites. Netlify, Content Management System

Project structure:

  • public/ #Production folder

    Contains production-ready files: JavaScript and CSS bundles and all other dependency stuff.

  • src/ #Development folder

    • components/

      • '****' #Components
    • pages/

      • index.js #Main page.
      • contact/ #Contact form page.
      • blog/ #Blog page with some content inside.
      • about/ #Info about me.
      • gallery/ #Gallery.
      • projects/ #Projects.
    • templates/ #Actual pages based on Markdown files.

      • post/
    • markdown/ #Data source

      • blog/
      • gallery/
      • projects/
  • / #Root files

    • .gatsby-config

      Can Include: siteMetadata, list of different plugins configurations. more info

    • .gatsby-node

      Basically it is used for database access, APIs call. In this case to create page based on Markdown file. more info

    • .package.json

      Gives some useful npm dependency information..

    • static/

      • admin/ #Contains CMS config files.

      • assets/ #Includes image files: '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.svg', '.mp4', 'webm', 'wav', 'mp3'.. {image}


If you have encountered a bug, or have a useful suggestion how to improve code
create issue, or make a pull request!