- afazli-clgx
- atrestka
- cgarcigaUSA
- championbruno
- cheruskGermany
- chicago-joeStoneX LLC
- daviddwlee84@microsoft
- emptymalei@spikinglabs
- Franky1Germany
- ggoupyUniversity of Lille
- gtauzin@zaphiro-technologies
- HideakiImamuraPreferred Networks
- himktTokyo, Japan
- IskanderCh
- JacksonCampolattaro@tudelft
- jjasontSingapore
- jsmithdlcSantiago, Chile
- khanhvu207Zürich, Switzerland
- kingychiuHong Kong
- knshnbPreferred Networks, Inc.
- lion7p
- ludoplex
- mariaclaraavCampinas | SP
- matthieucx@alpamayo-solutions
- mdtankerAntarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington
- nzw0301Preferred Networks, Inc. / Preferred Elements, Inc.
- rafa-rodBrazil
- RRiva
- SuperSecureHumanMars
- TezRomacHLimassol, Cyprus
- xKDHx
- yudhieshMoneyLion