
Primary LanguageActionScript

My Entry for Ludum Dare 28 - Theme "You only get one"

Game Idea

A sandbox physics game inspired by Osmos/Spore/CellCraft/Flow.

You will only get one (biological) cell. Further more it is completely disassembled. Gosh, who did that??

Only your very core is still intact and controllable. Move around and try to build your cell from the parts that are left.

Among them are useful things like chloroplasts, cell membrane parts and energy.

But be careful; moving consumes energy. If your internal energy is depleted you won't be able to move anymore. So you have to collect more energy.

Much fun!

Controls: WASD

Link to Ludum Dare entry: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-28/?action=preview&uid=31351

Live Version can be viewed here:


Controls: WASD



  • moving without energy consumption?

  • mouse interaction? is implemented, but didnt feel right - maybe I can improve that

  • attract functionality for player? (left click?)

  • repel functionality for player? (right click?)

  • add mute button (!!!)

  • add restart button

  • tutorial ** Partikel die aussehen wie die Keyboardtasten W,A,S, und D fliegen einem am anfang zu aus der richtung in die sie zeigen - dann wird der spieler aufgefordert die taste zu drücken - spieler kurz einfrieren um ihm andere taste zuwerfen zu können wenn er ursprungsposition erreicht hat

  • add goals ** put all things in one big ring of the blue membrane ** build rings of specific length

  • membran can store and collect energy ** when membran has more then 0 energy then connections have more strength

  • upgrades für chloroplasts

  • rename membran to membrane

  • membrane connections should break when distance is to big

  • sometimes the mover is like glued to membrane parts, figure out why

  • add randomly distorted vector field that has influence on moving things to simulate a dynamic primeval soup