Solo Leveling Simulator

An RPG Discord bot

Support Server

Patreon PayPal Linktree


Clone the repository and run the following command:

$ npm install

Install Sapphire CLI:

$ npm install -g @sapphire/cli

Create command/listener/precondition by Sapphire CLI:

$ sapphire generate command <command_name>
$ sapphire generate listener <listener_name>
$ sapphire generate precondition <precondition_name>
  1. The CLI will create a file in the corresponding directory with the type of the command/listener/precondition.
  2. Open the generated file and click on the last character.
  3. Ctrl + Space to show the snippets.
  4. Enter to use the snippet.

You can change the command/listener/precondition name in the command to <directoryName>/<command/listener/precondition_name>

Command structure code example:

import { ContextMenuCommandBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
import { ApplyOptions } from '@sapphire/decorators';
import { ApplicationCommandRegistry, Command, CommandOptions, RegisterBehavior } from '@sapphire/framework';

import type { CommandInteraction, ContextMenuInteraction } from 'discord.js';

	name: 'name',
	description: 'description',
	preconditions: ['Defer'],
	requiredClientPermissions: [BigInt(277025770560)],
	requiredUserPermissions: ['USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS']
export default class NameCommand extends Command {
	public override registerApplicationCommands(registry: ApplicationCommandRegistry) {
		// Register the slash command/context menu command

	public async chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
		// Handle chat input command

	public async contextMenuRun(interaction: ContextMenuInteraction) {
		// Handle context menu command

Listener structure code example:

import { Listener } from '@sapphire/framework';

import type {} from 'discord.js';

export default class NameListener extends Listener {
	public constructor(context: Listener.Context, options: Listener.Options) {
		super(context, {
			name: 'Name'

	public async run() {}

Precondition structure code example:

import { PieceContext, Precondition } from '@sapphire/framework';

import type { CommandInteraction } from 'discord.js';

export default class NamePrecondition extends Precondition {
	public constructor(context: PieceContext, options: Precondition.Options) {
		super(context, {
			name: 'Name'

	public async chatInputRun(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
		// Handle chat input command

	public async contextMenuRun(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
		// Handle context menu command

declare module '@sapphire/framework' {
	interface Preconditions {
		Name: never;