
Based on pokecrystal 60 FPS

Primary LanguageAssembly

Time Crystal

This is a game based on the disassembly of Pokémon Crystal. It is a playable work in progress but not done at all.

In terms of gameplay, it floats somewhere between RBY and HGSS and takes select elements of each generation without breaking compatibility with vanilla GSC. Canon-wise, it will take place after the Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter once story elements are changed.

In terms of graphics, the colours have been desaturated and the overworld looks significantly more diverse because every map and tileset has been or will be changed.

Known Issues

  • Diagonal Stairs place the player one step too far north going up and one step too far south going down. Pressing START puts the player into the correct position.
  • The animation of the middle pillar on maps using the Tower tileset glitches out on the left-hand side.
  • Magnet Train Cutscene misses tiles that were changed
  • Unown font in textboxes misses tiles that were changed
  • Not all TM's are available at the specified locations yet
  • Not all trainer parties are changed

See also

  • Roadmap for a documentation of done and planned changes
  • Acknowledgements for a list of everyone who contributed in some way or another