- this weather application includes a search box that allows the user to input a city name in order for them to view the current weather status on that city such as the current weather temp, wind-speed, humidity, and uv index. It also contains the following 5 day weather forecast for that city/location as well. Once they have searched for a city, it will save their city in local storage and keep it on the page when they refresh.
- create a search box input in order for user to search city name for current weather status
- allow a search history for already viewed city weather conditions
- create a form to hold the current city weather information regarding temp, wind-speed, humidity, and uv index
- use openweatherAPI to retrieve weather data from cities
- use local storage to store cities viewed and to store data regarding these cities
- add an icon that represents current weather status
- display 5-day forecast for current city
- allow last display of last searched city weather conditions when the weather dashboard is opened
*updates to come
URL of deployed app: https://xarroyo1.github.io/weather-application/
Screenshot of Application :