zenpan - yet yet another DarkPAN repository manager.
# create local mirror
# add modules from CPAN
% zenpan add -p ./mirror Moo
# add modules from cpanfile
% zenpan add -p ./mirror
# add modules from backpan
% zenpan add -p ./mirror --mirror http://backpan.perl.org/
% cat cpanfile
# git URL
requires 'DBIx::QueryLog' => do {
via => 'git@github.com:xaicron/p5-DBIx-QueryLog.git',
author => 'XAICRON', # default is DUMMY
} : '0';
# tarballs URL
requires 'App::envfile' => do {
via => 'http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/X/XA/XAICRON/App-envfile-0.06.tar.gz',
# normal case
requires 'SQL::Format' => '0';
requires 'WWW::Google::Cloud::Messaging' => '0.03';
# remove modules (TODO)
% zepnan remove -p ./mirror SQL::Format
% zenpan remove -p ./mirror XAICRON/App-envfile-0.06.tar.gz
% zepnan remove -p ./mirror WWW::Google::Cloud::Messaging~0.03
# reindex
% zenpan reindex -p ./mirror
# and use it
% cpanm --mirror-only --mirror=file:///path/to/mirror SQL::Format
zenfile foramt details are SEE ALSO perldoc ZenPAN
--path, -p Save archives path. (required)
--help, -h Show usage.
--verbose, -v Chatty print,
--version, -V Show version.
--mirror Specify the base URL for the mirror (e.g. http://cpan.cpantesters.org/)
add Additional into local mirror path
remove Removeing modules from local mirror path (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
reindex Regen index file
ZenPAN is simple wrapper of OrePAN and cpanm. Easy to create a DarkPAN from git, tarball, and CPAN.
Yuji Shimada <xaicron {@} GMAIL.COM>
Copyright 2013 - Yuji Shimada
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.