
C++ wrapper for ENet

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A C++ wrapper for the ENet networking library (http://enet.bespin.org/).

Examples of usage can be found in enet-plus/src/sample-client and enet-plus/src/sample-server.

How to install on Ubuntu Linux x64:
  1. $ sudo apt-get install libenet1a libenet-dev
  2. Download deb packages from the releases section
  3. $ sudo dpkg -i libenet-plus_0.1-1_amd64.deb
  4. $ sudo dpkg -i libenet-plus-dev_0.1-1_amd64.deb

How to uninstall on Ubuntu Linux:
  1. $ sudo apt-get remove libenet-plus0-dev
  2. $ sudo apt-get remove libenet-plus0

How to build on Ubuntu Linux:
  1. $ ./premake4 gmake
  2. $ cd build
  3. On x32 system:
     $ make config=release32
     On x64 system:
     $ make config=release64