Mask Detection and Social Distancing

Macron with students Pedestrians

Wearing masks and keeping necessary social distance is essential in the era of COVID. The goal of this project is to detect if people are wearing masks (in images and over time in videos) and then compute the distance between them over time. For this, the team will need to use face detection and tracking techniques, and explore the social distancing effect.


After cloning the repository, please follow the commands below in order:

cd mask-detection-social-distancing
pip install -r requirements.txt

Cloning the Multi-object Tracker repository:

git clone
cd multi-object-tracker
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
pip install ipyfilechooser

Downloading a pre-trained Yolov3 model:

mkdir Yolov3/
mv yolov3.weights yolov3.cfg coco.names Yolov3/
mv Yolov3/ ..
cd ..
mkdir models/
mv Yolov3/ models/

Downloading Mask Recognition model(s): Please download the model weights in the Google Drive link and put them in the path "mask-detection-social-distancing/models".

Cloning the depth map estimation repository:

git clone
pip install tensorboardX==1.4

Running scripts

There are two main scripts in the repository:

  • requires an input file (video/image) and outputs its processed version. To run it:
python3 -i <inputfile> [-o <outputfile> -f <number of frames> -d <social distancing approach (1 for simple approach, 2 for depth map estimator> -w <Yolov3 weights path> -c <Yolov3 config file path>]"

The input file is important for the script to function, but the remaining user arguments are optional.

  • real-time mask detection using webcam. To run it:


python3 -i assets/videos/street-camera.mp4

The command above will produce a video of mp4 format lasting around 5 seconds as by default 50 frames of the input video file are considered.

Note. For further information or in case of difficulties with running scripts, please refer to the following GitHub repositories to verify the required dependencies:

Datasets Used

Task 1 | Mask Recognition: Classify people wearing masks

Identify if a human face has or has not a mask on (and eventually if it has an incorrectly worn mask.

First we needed to identify all the faces on a given image. To do so, we used YOLOv5 trained on the Face Mask Detection dataset. From this network we are able to determine the position of the faces.

Then to complete this task we used a pretrained ResNet18 network with customized fully convolutional layers. Given the image of a face (obtained from the previous network), the model returns a 2D-tensor with values between 0 and 1. The first value corresponds to the probability of having no mask and the second the probability to have one.

The implementation, the training and the testing of the models are available in the FaceDetection notebook and the MaskRecognition notebook.

Here are the results obtained on the training datasets and testing datasets respectively:

TODO: insert both tabs (TP,TN,FN,TN)

As comparaison to the ResNet18 network we also used a ResNet50 network and a VGG19 network. Similarly as before, here are the results obtained using them:

TODO: insert both tabs (TP,TN,FN,TN)

Task 2 | Human Detection and Tracking

Detect humans in videos and track them using bounding boxes over time.

To achieve human detection, we benefited from the pre-trained Yolov3 model.
Regarding the tracking, there are two algorithms considered in the repository:

  1. SORT: default tracker.
  2. Centroid: to use this tracker, user should specify it as an argument. See example below:
python3 -t 2 [--tracking 2]

Note that 1 is used for SORT and 2 for Centroid tracker.

TODO: how and results

  • Extras:
    • For human detection, use Yolo (or any other detector that you prefer)
    • Use a SORT tracker to link the human detections. Note: consider using also another tracker for comparison
    • Use mAP for person detection (if you need to train anything)
    • Videos: you can use your own videos (film yourself or download some from YouTube).

Task 3 | Video Mask Detection: Examine if people in a video are wearing masks

Using the results from the Task 1 & task 2, examine if people in videos are wearing masks. Moreover, given that a face is wearing a mask in some frames but not in some other frames, make the prediction unified. Post-process people tracks (merge?, split? delete?)

TODO: how and results

  • Extras:
    • Videos: you can use your own videos (film yourself or download some from YouTube).

Task 4: Social distancing

In our project, we have implemented two approaches to deal for social distancing, i.e., to find or approximate distances between humans:

  1. Prior-based approach, pixel-wise distance estimation. By default, this approach is used.
  2. Depth map estimator, a Deep Learning-based complex approach. To use it, user should set distancing option to 2. Usage:
python3 -d 1 [--distancing 1]

Note that 1 is used for the first and 2 for the second approach.

  • Extras:
    • For social distancing, you can use anything from heuristics (e.g., use prior on the human height and estimate the distance given this prior), depth estimators (example),



Anthony Kobanda Khalig Aghakarimov