
Simplest lock file implementation

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LockFile is the simplest lock file implementation for .NET.



  • Dead simple
  • Targets .NET Framework 4.5+ and .NET Standard 2.0+


Lock files are acquired by opening a file with FileShare.None, which guarantees exclusive access to file. Lock files are released when they are disposed.

Try to acquire a lock file once

using (var lockFile = LockFile.TryAcquire("some.lock"))
    if (lockFile != null)
        // Lock file acquired

Wait until lock file is released and acquire it

using (var lockFile = LockFile.WaitAcquire("some.lock"))
    // Lock file is eventually acquired

Or you can set a timeout via CancellationToken:

using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)))
using (var lockFile = LockFile.WaitAcquire("some.lock", cts.Token))
    // If lock file is not acquired within 2 seconds, an exception is thrown

Libraries used


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