Xamarin Backport Bot

Note: this is used for internal use only.

Contains an action that's responsible for running an Azure DevOps build which backports a PR based on one branch to another branch.


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You can test changes from your topic branch (PR branch) by using the v1.0-test tag. Associate the tag with your latest changes by performing the following steps

git checkout [TOPIC_BRANCH_NAME]
git tag -f v1.0-test
git push --tags --force

To exercise your changes associated with the v1.0-test tag, use the following test PR #11

Apply the following comment to the PR

@gitbot backport backport-target

See the test PR for additional guidance & details


Release management of the backport bot action is done though git tags. At present, the current release can be found at v1.1.

To deploy your changes, please:

  1. Update the tag locally with:
git tag -f $TAG_NAME
  1. Push the tag to the remote (https://github.com/xamarin/backport-bot-action):
git push --tags

Please note that for updating the v1.1 tag (or any other tag you want to push if it already exists), you will need to push --force to overwrite the existing tag.

In order to pick up the changes for Staging, make sure that the backport trigger YAML in your target repo (usually found at https://github.com/xamarin/$REPO_NAME/blob/main/.github/workflows/backport-trigger.yml) points to your desired tag.

For example, https://github.com/xamarin/.github/blob/main/.github/workflows/backport-trigger.yml#L13, the uses line should be updated as follows:

      - uses: xamarin/backport-bot-action@$TAG_NAME

where $TAG_NAME is filled in with the actual name of the tag.

You can list tags by executing the following command

git tag

To view the contents of a tag execute the following command:

git show $TAG_NAME