- 0
- 1
No clean way to stop the Android foreground service in background location demo
#120 opened by tuukkapuranen - 0
- 3
Location Update Not Working
#98 opened by ronakshethia - 2
Invalid file path
#119 opened by pytchoun - 1
Question - Can we get street name or anything rather than just GPS coordinates?
#115 opened by Korporal - 2
Creating .fbx
#111 opened by Rombersoft - 1
ALittleStory.txt does not contain a haiku
#109 opened by swkidd - 0
- 3
Error in the xamarin sample download link
#103 opened by kkarakk - 4
[BackgroundLocationDemo: location.Android] - StartService not supported in Android 8+
#99 opened by danjrwalsh - 0
- 1
SharingCode doesn't share with Android
#56 opened by jadbox - 1
- 1
#67 opened by andrearossi94 - 1
- 4
- 2
- 1
Class not fine Error.
#68 opened by koz01 - 2
WheatherApp not opening in solution
#79 opened by eqonto - 2
- 1
Show white screen on running iOS
#50 opened by muzamilhassan1987 - 1
XmlFeedParser missing from MWC.Core.MD/SAL
#16 opened by mike-01 - 1
Can't pick a date
#15 opened by stesvis - 8
SQLite errors with WP7.1
#8 opened by jstawski - 4
MWC.iOS: compilation exceptions
#5 opened by aberbenni - 2
MWC - Section index titles when searching
#1 opened by jacksonh - 2
- 2
Location not works on iOS 9
#57 opened by samthui - 1
- 6
Advanced Data Solution ( so far all others also) not opening in VS2015 or VS2013
#39 opened by TeeRodFl - 1
A few questions about the game CoinTime
#33 opened by jonathanzuniga - 1
- 1
- 2
Error restoring Xamarin.UITest
#24 opened by AresDev - 0
- 1
MWC.Droid project missing files
#6 opened by t9mike - 3
- 2
First use data sync (tested on Nexus S)
#3 opened by m3dwards