- 66eli77@postmanlabs
- AdamFlores
- ahappyforestJLSemi
- alexandrevicenziSUSE
- AngelGuerreroQuerétaro, México
- b10n1k@SUSE
- BartGo
- bendmorrisNetflix
- chihsuan@Automattic
- danilobezerraKokku Games
- DarutikSomewhere over the GitHub
- endolithNew York, NY
- flipcoderCA, USA
- guidovCopenhagen
- icegithub
- IshtarGateUniversity of Virginia
- IuryAlves@tibber
- Jelloeater@foresighttech
- jngaravitoc@flatironinstitute
- jonathanluriemaptiler
- KopaMc
- kostyll
- maheumpBoston University
- mhaidarhanif@bearmentor @bearmentor-community
- pkorin
- relsonGFT Brasil
- rlms
- saxbophoneBristol, UK
- shkr@un-seen
- the-vesuviusLviv, Ukraine
- theSekyi
- TimGremalmChalmers Robotics, Plejd AB
- vitlavEtersoft
- yatharthStanford University
- zedoul여긴 어딘가 나는 누군가