
STM32 sample application showing how to use actions for CI

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

STM32 Sample Project


A simple STM32 sample project how to use COntinuous Integration (CI) for building binaries and documentation created from source code. The project is created for the B-L4S5I-IOT01A STM32L4+ Discovery kit IoT node. It currently only contains the automatically generated code and an example crc.c for the doxygen documentation extraction.

Depending upon the amount of interest I might add CppUTest unit testing, both on amd64 and on target. The on target test will use a Raspberry Pi for programming and monitoring test execution.

Next to this most of my projects use a system test based on PyTest to test the complete binary. I could add an example of that as well.

Please let me know in the issues what you think. I'm also happy for improvements ideas to the current setup as well. Next to Continuous Integration we also have to do a lot of Continuous Learning.

Build pipeline

The build pipeline is automaticaly started when performing a build on master. In this case it will also tag the build with the next version number and create a relase.

After creating a pull request for every commit a build is executed with the version number 0.0.0 and a 10 character githash. If a test relase is required than the build pipeline can be run manually. If release is set to 'y' then it will create a release with the name of the 10 character hash postfixed with -dev.