
🔌 Handling Google sign-in and sign-out for Vue.js applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Handling Google sign-in and sign-out for Vue.js applications.

npm bundle size GitHub vue-google-oauth2


Installation with npm

npm install vue-google-oauth2

Installation with yarn

yarn add vue-google-oauth2


import GAuth from 'vue-google-oauth2'
const gauthOption = {
  clientId: 'CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com',
  scope: 'profile email',
  prompt: 'select_account'
Vue.use(GAuth, gauthOption)

Please Don't use plus.login scope. It will be deprecated.


Property Type Required Description
clientId String Required. The app's client ID, found and created in the Google Developers Console.
scope String Optional. Default value is profile email. Full list of scopes.
prompt String Optional. This value using for authCode. The possible values are select_account or consent. Default value is select_account. To get refresh token from auth code, use consent.
fetch_basic_profile Boolean Optional. If set to true, email profile openid will be automatically added as scope. Default value is true.


Property Description Type
GoogleAuth return of gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance() Object
isAuthorized Whether or not you have auth Boolean
isInit Whether or not api init Boolean
isLoaded Whether or not api init. will be deprecated. Function
signIn function for sign-in Function
getAuthCode function for getting authCode Function
signOut function for sign-out Function

Usage - Getting authorization code

The authCode that is being returned is the one-time code that you can send to your backend server, so that the server can exchange for its own access_token and refresh_token.

.then(authCode => {
  //on success
  return this.$http.post('http://your-backend-server.com/auth/google', { code: authCode, redirect_uri: 'postmessage' })
.then(response => {
  //after ajax
.catch(error => {
  //on fail do something

Usage - Directly get back the access_token and id_token or use api request

.then(GoogleUser => {
  // On success do something, refer to https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/reference/referencedocs#googleusergetid
  console.log('user', GoogleUser)
  // GoogleUser.getId() : Get the user's unique ID string.
  // GoogleUser.getBasicProfile() : Get the user's basic profile information.
  // GoogleUser.getAuthResponse() : Get the response object from the user's auth session. access_token and so on
  this.isSignIn = this.$gAuth.isAuthorized
.catch(error  => {
  //on fail do something

refer to google signIn reference : GoogleUser

Usage - Sign-out

Handling Google sign-out

//you can use promise from v1.1.0 also
.then(() => {
  // things to do when sign-out succeeds
.catch(error  => {
  // things to do when sign-out fails

Extra - Directly get access_token and refresh_token on Server-side

To get access_token and refresh_token in server side, the data for redirect_uri should be postmessage. postmessage is magic value for redirect_uri to get credentials without actual redirect uri.


curl -d "client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&\
  code=YOUR_AUTH_CODE" https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token

Sample Code

Additional Help