
Rust bindings for the libfreenect library

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

libfreenect Rust Bindings [in development]

The libfreenect-sys crate provides declarations and linkage for the libfreenect C library. Following the *-sys package conventions, the libfreenect-sys crate does not define higher-level abstractions over the native libfreenect library functions.

This crate currently exposes an interface compatible with libfreenect-0.5. However, it is currently missing declarations for audio- and registration-based functions.


The system-wide libfreenect library is detected using pkg-config. If the library is present and version >= 0.5.2, this crate will merely link to the system library.

If no system library is found, this crate will compile and statically link against the in-tree included libfreenect. In this case a dependency on the libusb-sys crate is required in order to provide a working libusb implementation.


Copyright © 2015 James Buckley

Distributed under the MIT License.