
a laravel based project to create a national or international pet registry

Primary LanguagePHP


a Laravel project

The MypetID is a pet registry for anyone who wants to register their pet. It can be for documentations purposes, for tracking gentics, family trees, simply having a registration number for proof of ownership.

Basic Data Collected

The following data will be collected:


  • id,
  • name,
  • species,
  • breed,
  • birthdate,
  • registration_date,
  • ownerID,
  • neutored, (y/n)
  • DameID,
  • SireID
  • microchipped (y/n)
  • chipID


  • id,
  • firstname,
  • lastname,
  • street1,
  • street2,
  • city,
  • state,
  • zip,
  • email,
  • phone,
  • number_of_registered_pets,
  • regstration_credits_remaining

Registration fees

The cost to regsiter will be $1 per pet. If someone has a lot of pets blocks of registrations can be purchased:

  • 1 to 15 registrations $1/each
  • block up to 25 registrations for $20
  • block up to 50 registrations for $30
  • block up to 100 registrations for $60
  • unlimited registrations $100
  • or any combination until you spend $100 then you have unlimited

I am starting on this project the intent is to tie into paypal or some other online payment method to handle the registrations fees.

This readme will continue to grow as the project proceeds. Anyone who is interested in helping please

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