
This is a C++ library meant to provide implementation of the most commonly used geodetic algorithms.

Primary LanguageC++

C++ Geodetic Library

Build Status


This is a C++ library meant to provide implementations of the most commonly used geodetic calculations. The whole library is wrapped around the dso namespace.

Compilation / Installation

Since December 2021, the build system has been changed from GNU Autotools to scons.


First off, clone the project.

To buid the project just use scons:

scons [OPTIONS]

in the top-level directory. The optional [OPTIONS] argument, can be any/multiple of:

  • debug=1 to trigger a DEBUG build,
  • boost=1 to trigger a build including boost geometry comparisson/test programs
  • eigen=1 to use eigen library for vector/matrix operations. Note that because the library uses extensively template code, if you include ggeodesy header files in another project you should also include the -DUSE_EIGEN compilation flag when building the dependent project

Installation is trivial, use:

sudo scons install

testing against boost/geometry

The folder boost includes source code for testing the algorithms in ggeodesy against the ones implemented in (boost/geometry)[https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_74_0/libs/geometry/doc/html/index.html]. To compile these, you will need the respective developement files. Installing boost is usually pretty trivial; relevant documentation can be found on the (boost webpage)[https://www.boost.org/].

Once you have downloaded boost/geometry you can include the boost source code in the build process via scons boost=1

Verify & Test


Accuracy/Precision and Floating Point Numbers Considerations

For testing purposes, we need to compare (floating point) results, aka check if two floating point numbers are equal. But what does equal mean? Well, in this case, for most of the test programs we define the floating point comparisson (when comparing numbers other than zero) as:

diff = abs(a - b)
diff < max(abs(a), abs(b)) * tolerance or diff < tolerance

where tolerance is defined as: std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(). That is, we use a tolerance value proportional to max(a,b) when comparing two (floating point) numbers. (see also this SO thread, and this also).

This comparisson function is defined in the test_help.hpp file and used throughout the test/check programs.

The Library

Here is a list of the provided utilities:

General Notes

In general, when refering to coordinate arrays/vector, the elements are in the following order:

  • for cartesian vector [x, y, z]
  • for ellipsoidal/geodetic (longitude, latitude, height) [longitude, latitude, height]
  • topocentric [east, north, up]

Radians, Degrees and Relevant Transformations

The library includes functions for transforming between radians, decimal degrees and hexicondal degrees. Namely:

  • ngpt::deg2rad transforms radians to decimal degrees
  • ngpt::decd2hexd transforms decimal degrees to hexicondal degrees
  • ngpt::rad2deg transforms decimal degrees to radians
  • ngpt::rad2hexd transforms radians to hexicondal degrees
  • ngpt::hexd2decd transforms hexicondal degrees to decimal degrees
  • ngpt::hexd2rad transforms hexicondal degrees to radians
  • ngpt::rad2sec convert radians to seconds (of degree)

Additionaly the function ngpt::normalize_angle can normalize a given angle to a specified range (e.g. in range -π to π).

All of the above functions are defined in the header file units.hpp. For usage examples, see test_units.hpp and test_angle_normalization.hpp.

Reference Ellipsoids

Currently there are implementations for the (reference) ellipsoids:

Reference ellipsoids can be used in either on of two ways:

  • via using the enum class ngpt::ellipsoid (e.g. ngpt::ellipsoid::grs80), or
  • via the class ngpt::Ellipsoid

Users can easily add more reference ellipsoids if they need to, via constructing an Ellipsoid instance with the wanted parameters (aka semi-major axis and flattening), e.g.

    using namespace ngpt;
    Ellipsoid myell = Ellipsoid(6378136.0e0/*semi-major axis*/, 1/298.25784/*flattening factor*/);
    // use the created ellipsoid in some way ....
    double semi_major = myell.semi_major();
    double N = myell.N(some_latitude);
    // ....

Users can also expand the source code to add a reference ellipsoid in the enum (class) ellipsoid. In this case, you will need one entry in the ellipsoid enum and a respective specialization of the template <ellipsoid E> struct ellipsoid_traits {}; class.

Note that most of the constructors and function (for the Ellipsoid class and the ellipsoid enum are constexpr. Hence, the following code is computed at compile-time:

  using namespace ngpt;
  constexpr auto wgs84 = Ellipsoid(ellipsoid::wgs84);
  constexpr auto grs80 = Ellipsoid(ellipsoid_traits<ellipsoid::grs80>::a,
  constexpr auto pz90  = Ellipsoid(ellipsoid::pz90);

  static_assert(wgs84.eccentricity_squared() == 
  static_assert(grs80.semi_minor() == semi_minor<ellipsoid::grs80>());

For more information on how to use the reference ellipsoids, see e.g. test_ellipsoid.hpp.

Coordinate Transformations

The following coordinate transformations are provided (for points on some reference ellipsoid):

  • Cartesian to Ellipsoidal (aka [x, y, z] to [φ, λ, height])
  • Ellipsoidal to Cartesian (aka [φ, λ, height] to [x, y, z])
  • Cartesian to Topocentric (aka [δx, δy, δz] to [north, east, up])
  • Topocentric to Cartesian (aka [north, east, up] to [δx, δy, δz])

Meridian Arc Length

As is well known in geodesy, the meridian arc length S(\f$\phi\f$) on the earth ellipsoid from the equator to the geographic latitude \f$\phi\f$ includes an elliptic integral and cannot be expressed explicitly using a combination of elementary functions. The library provides three implementations for computing the meridian arc length using approximations.

  • ngpt::core::meridian_arc_length_impl1 : implementation using a binomial series with respect to e^2 obtained by truncating the expansion at order e^10

  • ngpt::core::meridian_arc_length_impl2 : the Bessel’s formula implementation

  • ngpt::core::meridian_arc_length_impl3 : the Helmert's formula implementation

The above implementations agree within the following precision limits:

  • impl1 vs impl2 : 3e-5 meters
  • impl2 vs impl3 : 1e-6 meters
  • impl2 vs impl3 : 3e-5 meters

Users can select one of the algorithms via the (optional) intput parameter alg (using values in range [0,2]) when calling the function template<ellipsoid E> double meridian_arc_length(double lat, int alg=0) (aka by default the function will use the

More information and implementation details can be found in Kawase, 2011. Usage examples of the algorithm(s) can be found in the file test_meridian_arc.hpp

Note that if we only want the arc length of an infinitesimal element of the meridian the computation is way more straight-forward Meridian Arc; for this computation users may use the function (template) infinitesimal_meridian_arc.

How to use the library (TODO)


The whole of the library is wrapped around the dso namespace


  • static
  • dynamic

Documentation & Library API (TODO)

  • build dox with doxygen (or link to dox)



Bugs & Maintanance

Xanthos, xanthos@mail.ntua.gr Mitsos, danast@mail.ntua.gr


[1] K. Kawase, A General Formula for Calculating Meridian Arc Length and its Application to Coordinate Conversion in the Gauss-Krüger Projection, Bulletin of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Vol.59 December, 2011

[2] Wiki page on Meridian Arc

[3] H. Moritz, GEODETIC REFERENCE SYSTEM 1980, available here

[4] Li, X.; Li, H.; Liu, G.; Bian, S.; Jiao, C. Simplified Expansions of Common Latitudes with Geodetic Latitude and Geocentric Latitude as Variables. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7818. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12157818

[5] Snyder, J. P. Map projections - A working manual. Professional Paper 1395, U.S. Geological Survey, 1987. doi:10.3133/pp1395.

[6] https://proj.org/operations/conversions/geoc.html

[7] https://www.oc.nps.edu/oc2902w/coord/coordcvt.pdf

[8] W. Torge, Geodesy, De Gruyter; 3rd ed. edition (May 30, 2001)