
The Prezi Raleway – brand typefacefor prezi.com, upgraded, extended and fitted based on different requirements. For more information check README please.

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Raleway Prezi

The Raleway Prezi – Prezi branded typeface, upgraded, extended and fitted to brand requirements.

Folder structure:

Working Glyphsapp files – In main directory Archive of the original font – Raleway Original folder New Raleway Prezi font family for PRINT – OUT Print New Raleway Prezi font family for WEB – OUT Web

PDF files for check – OUT PDF InDesign file for creating cross check PDF – InDesign

Upgraded, extended and fitted – what that means? – changed name from Raleway to Raleway Prezi (with style names) – changed a to alternate a / stylistic set 01 / ss01 – changed w to alternate w / stylistic set 02 / ss02 – changed default numbers style from old numerals to default set / .onum

Original Font Source http://www.impallari.com/projects/overview/matt-mcinerneys-raleway-family

Installation and troubleshooting (this is mostly for usage in print and its happen after when you download and install any newest version of the font):

Font cache problems: http://www.glyphsapp.com/tutorials/eliminating-font-cache-problems

Testing fonts in Adobe Apps: http://www.glyphsapp.com/tutorials/testing-your-fonts-in-adobe-apps

Ralph Herrmann’s workflow for testing new typeface: http://opentype.info/blog/2012/02/18/why-i-switched-from-fontlab-to-glyphs/