
Renderer for 4-dimensional space

Primary LanguageC++


Physically based renderer for 4-dimensional space.

This is not based on 4-dimensional version of Maxwell equation. Rather, this is a natural extension of geometric optics (and light transport equation) to 4-dimensional space.

Implementation details, especially class hierarchy is designed under heavy influence of pbrt.

Cornell Tesseract


  • low-poly artistic experiment with 4-d space
  • every computation derived from a set of well-defined equations
  • generative scene description
  • infra to support quick iteration (< 25 min / shot-iteration)


  • generic, fast, or stable renderer for production
  • multi-modal physics simulator for 4-d space
  • high-poly, asset-intenstive scene description
  • interactive scene modification

Project Structure

  • worker/: C++ server code for worker node (runs in docker, either on GCE or on your local PC)
  • controller/: Go client code for controller (runs on your PC natively)
  • docker/: multiple dockerfiles for compiling(debugging), running, and common utils
  • example/: generator of RenderTask or RenderMovieTask for various scenes
  • proto/: serialization used everywhere (e.g. worker<->controller and example<->worker)


Run ./build.sh. It will create 3 docker images and run tests etc. So, you'll need local docker installation for it. After build is done, you usually don't need to run docker manually.

After that, you can run, for example, ./example/animation_demo.py and ./controller/pentatope.py to render it.

You need to supply your GCE credentials as a JSON file if you are to use distributed rendering accessible via --gce flag in ./pentatope_controller.


Although ./build.sh will checkout latest commit (inside a container) and build images based on it, it's too time-consuming for rapid iterations.

You can use docker.io/xanxys/pentatope-dev image and mounting local directory inside a container. (e.g. sudo docker run -t -i --rm -v $(pwd):/root/local -p 8080:80 docker.io/xanxys/pentatope-dev bash)


GCE (--gce)

Your service account oauth key in JSON format, as downloaded from the console.
