An Early Time-Series Classification Suite for benchmarking algorithms. CER group, Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR "Demokritos"

Primary LanguagePython

ETSC: Early Time Series Classification

ETSC is a Python Early Time-Series Classification library for public use, used in "A Framework to Evaluate Early Time-Series Classification Algorithms", Authors: Charilaos Akasiadis, Evgenios Kladis, Petro-Foti Kamberi, Evangelos Michelioudakis, Elias Alevizos, Alexander Artikis.

Cite as:

Akasiadis, C., Kladis, E., Kamberi, P. F., Michelioudakis, E., Alevizos, E., & Artikis, A. (2024). A Framework to Evaluate Early Time-Series Classification Algorithms. EDBT 2024: 27th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Proceedings (pp. 623–635). ISBN 978-3-89318-095-0 on OpenProceedings.org

The aim of this work is to study and collect algorithms that conduct early time-series classification, in a user-friendly format, for researchers to use as a benchmark.

Currently, six algorithms are included in this directory. A python cli, simplifies the execution of each algorithm The predictions are evaluated through metrics such as earliness, accuracy, f1-score, harmonic mean between accuracy and earliness, and computation time for both training and testing.


We would like to thank the creators of the UCR/UEA repository for making the datasets openly available. Special thanks to Evangelos Michelioudakis (vagmcs@iit.demokritos.gr) for the contribution to the development of this repository.


This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; See the GNU General Public License v3 for more details.


Python3 is required to install the libraries stated in the requirements.txt.

JVM >= 1.8 is required to run the algorithms that are implemented using java.

Run in anaconda environment

  1. Create the environment
conda create -n py37 python=3.7
  1. Activate it
conda activate py37
  1. Install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Locally install timeline:
pip install --editable .

Run in virtualenv

  1. Install the virtualenv package:
pip3 install virtualenv
  1. Create a new virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
  1. Activate virtual environment:
. venv/bin/activate
  1. Install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Locally install timeline:
pip install --editable .

Downloading the data

For downloading the data run the script download_data.sh found in the script folder. The downloaded data can be found inside folder data. 10 datasets are available, derived from the UCR_UEA library. Multivariate datasets from the Biological and Maritime field are also provided.

Experimental Setup

Note that only ECTS was implemented by us, using the paper of the algorithm as a guide. The rest of the algorithms derive from sources we provide in the following table. All credit goes to the original creators of the algorithms papers.

Algorithm Parameters
ECTS [paper] support = 0
EDSC [paper] [code] CHE k=3, min_length=5, max_length=len(time_series)/2
TEASER [paper] [code] S=20 (for the UCR_UEA), S=10 (for the biological and maritime)
ECEC [paper] [code] training_times=20, length = len(time_series)/20,a=0.8
MLSTM [paper] [code] LSTM cells = [8, 64, 128], tested_lengths = [0.4,0.5,0.6] %
ECONOMY-K [paper] [code] k = [1, 2, 3], λ = 100, cost = 0.001

Menu Guide

After running the Virtual Enviroment commands stated above, by running ets a menu with all programming options appears. A running command is constructed as follows:

ets <program commands> <algorithm> <algorithm commands>

If you want to see the algorithm's menu run:

ets <program commands> <algorithm> --help

Quick commands rundown used for the experiments

-i <file path> : Only one file is given for cross validation with a given number of folds.

-t <file-path> : The training file used. A -e command is also required.

-e <file-path> : The testing file used. A -t command is also required.

-o <file-path> : The desired output stream file. Default output steam is the console.

-s <char>: The seperator of each collumn in the file/s.

-d & -h: Commands that indicate the collumn of the classes in the input file/s. It can be either the <int> of the collumn for -d or the <name> for -h.

-v <int>: In case of multivariate input, describes the number of variables and should always be followed by -g. All Multivariate input files, each time-series, should take up -v consequent lines for each univariate time-series variable, bearing the same labels

-g <method>: The methods used to deal with multivariate time-series. We used vote which conducts the voting as explained in the paper and normal which passes the whole multivariate input in the algorithm, currently possible only by MLSTM. Also MLSTM requires -g normal for univariate time-series as well.

--java & --cplus: Command that is required for non-python implementations. --java for Teaser and ECEC,--cplus for EDSC.

-c <number>: The class for which the F1-score will be calculated. If -1 is passed then the F1-score of all classes is calculated (not supported for multivariate time-series yet).

--make-cv: Takes the training and testing file, merges them and conducts cross validation.

--folds : Used when there are premade folds available.

--trunc : Use STRUT approach to find the best time-point to perform ETSC.

--pyts-csv: Use pyts format for STRUT Weasel's input, when the dataset comes in csv format.

Test Run for UCR_UEA

ects : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 -g vote ects -u 0.0

edsc : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --cplus -g vote edsccplus

ecec : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --java -g vote ecec

teaser : ets t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --java -g vote teaser -s 20

mlstm : ets t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 -g normal mlstm

eco-k : ets t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 -g vote economy-k

strut - minirocket : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --trunc strut -m minirocket -p 0 -s 2

strut - weasel : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --trunc strut -m weasel -p 0 -s 2

strut - minirocket-fav : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --trunc strut -m minirocket_fav -p 0 -s 2

strut - weasel-fav : ets -t "training file name" -e "testing file name" --make-cv -h Class -c -1 --trunc strut -m weasel_fav -p 0 -s 2

Test Run for Maritime and Biological

ects : ets -i "file location" -g vote -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 ects -u 0.0

edsc : ets -i "file location" -g vote -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --cplus edsccplus

ecec : ets -i "file location" -g vote -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --java ecec

teaser : ets -i "file location" -g vote -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --java teaser -s 10

mlstm : ets -i "file location" -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 -g normal mlstm

eco-k : ets -i "file location"" -g vote -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 economy-k

strut - minirocket : ets -i "file location"" -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --trunc strut -m minirocket -p 0 -s 2

strut - weasel : ets -i "file location"" -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --pyts-csv --trunc strut -m weasel -p 0 -s 2

strut - minirocket-fav : ets -i "file location"" -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --trunc strut -m minirocket_fav -p 0 -s 2

strut - weasel-fav : ets -i "file location"" -v (3 for Biological or 7 Maritime) -d 0 -c -1 --pyts-csv --trunc strut -m weasel_fav -p 0 -s 2


Any false product and misuse of the used algorithms is on the authors of the original papers. Please, inform us if you detect any misconduct or misuse of the code/datasets used in this repository.