
A web-application written in Typescript that allows the user to organise their daily tasks. Uses localStorage.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • A web-application written in Typescript that allows the user to organise their daily tasks.
  • The user can create and edit 'Projects' that contain 'Todos' and mark these 'Todos' as completed.

Technologies Used:

typescript sass webpack

Javascript Libraries Used:

What I Learned

  • How to leverage SASS to organize code, using multiple files & importing them to a single 'styles.scss' using '@forward'.
  • How to use Typescript to dynamically render a web-application that is responsive to user requests (DOM manipulation).
  • How to use local storage to save user's sessions, creating the logic to use it whenever the user's browser supports it.
  • How to create an application that involves nested objects (i.e A 'Project' object that contains an array of 'Todos').
  • How to use Moments JS and Date-fns to format dates and check when a date is between two other dates.
  • How to use Webpack 5 to resolve all files into a single bundle.js file.
  • How to use pubSub to publish events with data (pubSub.publish).
  • How to use pubSub to listen to events and run functions with the data (pubSub.subscribe).