
Miecos (from MIni ECOSystem) is a functional but very basic a-life experiment.

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Miecos (from MIni ECOSystem) is a functional but very basic a-life experiment.

This project began life in 2005 partly as a learning experiment to see if I could create a pseudo-object-oriented program in C and partly as an expression of my interest in the field of a-life (a philosophically different field to AI). Unfortunately, shortly after I had gotten the very first ugly but functioning version of the project working, real life got in the way and the project was shelved. This is (hopefully) the start of the re-birth of this project.

The initial 0.0.1 version was written in C, mostly as a challenge to myself to see if I could. However the basic idea behind this project requires that it be translated into a more OO-friendly language. I've yet to decide exactly what language v0.0.2 will be written in, although Python JavaScript TypeScript (thanks to my recent discovery of the p5.js library) seems the most likely contender at the moment.