
Lets you drop HTML snippets and images into your html document

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery DropIt

DropIt is a jQuery plugin which lets you drop html snippets and images into your html document. You can define zones and rules where snippets are allowed to be dropped. The plugin uses the HTML5 File API and currently works with the latest chrome and firefox versions.


See DropIt in action here.


// JS

<body class="dropzone"></body>

You can now drag html snippets and images from your filesystem and drop them into the body element. They will get rendered directly. The html-snippets you drop can contain html elements with class='dropzone' themselves so you then can drop snippets into them again and so on... To remove dropped snippets simply doubleclick them.

By default the snippets you drop append the existing snippets in the document. You can change this behavour like this:

<body class="dropzone" data-dropit-insert-mode="overwrite"></body>

The Snippets inside the body will get overwritten from now on. If you want 'overwrite' to be the default insert-mode initialize the plugin with {defaultInsertMode: 'overwrite'}. Valid insert modes are: append, prepend and overwrite.

Okay, atm you can just drop any snippet into the dropzone areas. But there are situations you want to limitate whats allowed to get dropped. For example if you have an unorderd list where you only want to allow li elements to get dropped in. This is how you handle it:

<ul class="dropzone" data-dropit-accept=">li"></ul>

Every snippet dropped into this dropzone will now get matched against the >li selector. If they dont match they will get rejected. This also works the other way around:

<ul class="dropzone" data-dropit-reject=">li"></ul>

I know, this example dosnt make big sense... but in this case you could drop anything except li-elements.