This image is build and push with, a circle-ci like self-hosted. If you don't trust, you can build yourself.
- latest (Dockerfile)
What is CouchPotato ?
CouchPotato (CP) is an automatic NZB and torrent downloader. You can keep a "movies I want"-list and it will search for NZBs/torrents of these movies every X hours. Once a movie is found, it will send it to SABnzbd or download the torrent to a specified directory.
This image not contains root process
docker build -t xataz/couchpotato
- WEBROOT : Choose webroot of couchpotato (default : nothing)
- UID : Choose uid for launch couchpotato (default : 991)
- GID : Choose gid for launch couchpotato (default : 991)
- APIKEY : API KEY for use API (default : Random)
- /config : Path where is configuration of couchpotato
- 5050
docker run -d -p 5050:5050 xataz/couchpotato
URI access : http://XX.XX.XX.XX:5050
docker run -d -p 8080:5050 \
-e WEBROOT=/cp \
-e UID=1001 \
-e GID=1001 \
-v /docker/config/CP:/config \
URI access : http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8080/cp
Any contributions, are very welcome !