This image is build and push with, a circle-ci like self-hosted. If you don't trust, you can build yourself.
- latest, 0.21-4, 0.21 (lstu/Dockerfile)
What is lstu ?
It means Let's Shorten That Url.
This image does not contain root processes
docker build -t xataz/lstu
- UID : choose uid for launching lstu (default : 991)
- GID : choose gid for launching lstu (default : 991)
- WEBROOT : webroot of lstu (default : /)
- SECRET : random string used to encrypt cookies (default : f6056062888a9a6aff1cc89dd3397853)
- ADMINPWD : password to access the statistics page. (default : s3cr3T)
- CONTACT : lstu contact (default : contact@domain.tld)
Tip : you can use the following command to generate SECRET. date +%s | md5sum | head -c 32
- /usr/lstu/lstu.conf : lstu's configuration file is here
- /usr/lstu/data/ : lstu's database is here
- 8282
docker run -d -p 8282:8282 xataz/lstu
URI access : http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8282
docker run -d -p 8181:8282 \
-v /docker/config/lstu:/usr/lstu/data \
-e UID=1001 \
-e GID=1001 \
-e WEBROOT=/lstu \
-e SECRET=$(date +%s | md5sum | head -c 32) \
-e \
-e ADMINPWD="mypassword" \
URI access : http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8181/lstu
Any contributions are very welcome !