Google Code-in 2018 Summary for crowded.geek,
Total number of tasks completed 58
- App Shortcuts in Lead Management Android
- Customization of Certificate Templates [Certificate-Generator-Front-End]
- Rest Api to update Saved card -> Visiting Card App
- Rest Api for Favourite Card- Visiting Card App
- Adding Optional fields to the Template [Certificate Generator Frontend]
- Favorite Card- Visiting Card App
- Update Readme
- Show Saved Visiting Card- Visiting Card App
- Create a JBoss OutReach Android App - Stage III
- Fix keyboard bug in Lead Management Android
- Editing Visiting Card -Visiting Card App
- A Database web app covering the CRUD operations.
- Editing certificates before Issue [Certificate Generator frontend]
- Folders on the Certificate Issuer's dashboard [Certificate-Generator-Front-End]
- Grouping of Certificates on Students Dashboard [Certificate-Generator-Front-End]
- Adding Validations to the Template. [Certificate Generator Frontend]
- Preview mode for certificate [certificate-generator-front]
- Bulk generation of Certificate [certificate-generator-front]
- List all the certificates Issued by the Organization [ certificate-generator-front ]
- Create Splash screen - Visiting Card Android
- Dashboard for certificate Issuer [certificate-generator-front]
- Fetch all student certificates
- Bulk upload File type and size validation
- Full view of student certificates.
- Wireframes for students dashboard [Certificate Generator FrontEnd]
- Add an about page in Lead Management
- Basic Certificate Template [Certificate-generator-frontend]
- Create an about page in Visiting card app
- Implement Call Recording II - Lead Management Android
- Integration with Google Maps API - Visiting Card Android
- Create a poster inviting people to GCI and JBoss
- HTML template for certificates
- Make POST request to APIs created in Visiting Card Backend using retrofit in the Visiting Card Android App for uploading data
- Create an animated logo for JBoss
- Introduction to MongoDB -Write a blog about it
- Setting up test environment for lead management server
- Firebase Sign-in : Lead Management Android
- Migrate to AndroidX dependencies in Lead Management Android
- Introduction To Django: Write a blog
- Don't allow the user to perform any action if not logged in : Lead Management Android
- Let's make it easy to catch errors - Lead Management Android
- Bug Hunt: Creating your first issue
- Creating Repository with build-system, Continuous Integration and tests
- Integrate Travis CI to supported projects.
- Integrate Codacy to supported projects.
- Animation and Motion Layout - Lead Management Android
- A Create Contact Widget ( 2 ) - Lead Management Android
- Create a logo for Visiting Card Android
- Implement a custom theme - Visiting Card Android
- Adding profile picture uploading in Visiting Card Android
- Create a logo for Certificate Generator
- Create a Contact Widget ( 1 ) - Lead Management Android
- Create Visiting Card Layout - Visiting Card Android
- Custom Pin in Google Maps - Visiting Card Android
- [Beginner]: Fix the travis Icon in readme - Lead Management Android
- Create an Intro Slider - Visiting Card Android
- Create a JBoss OutReach Android App
- Create a JBoss OutReach Android App - Stage I
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